Nine Swords • [Planning Phase] Cabal Recruitment Fair - Page 2
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Re: [Planning Phase] Cabal Recruitment Fair

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:09 am
by Katelin
Performing your play might be needed at another event ;) Anywho - thank you for your support!

Re: [Planning Phase] Cabal Recruitment Fair

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:13 am
by Floryn
Here are some ideas to make our cabal stick out.

Ask Funcom very nicely to alter the Innsmouth Acadamy jacket so that it shows our Nine Swords logo and name on a red background (for instance). It must be dead easy for them to alter it (what do I know about programming a game...) and I'm sure they will be happy to do it because we are the biggest, baddest and best cabal in TSW. (I wouldn't mind paying funcom points for the jacket if that's what it takes to get it done.)

If we could pull that off and be the only cabal to wear our own jacket, that would be awesome, I think.
(After the event Funcom could do the same for other cabals with like 100 members or more or something and they could earn some easy money through these jackets - but of course, we will be the first!)

How about someone programs a special mod just for our cabal. I have no idea what that mod would do but it would be nice to tell new folks:'Hey, if you join us, you get a special Nine Swords mod which lets you blabla, or shows you blabla.'

I have only limited programming experience ('Hello world!'), so I can only help out by doing a foolproof check. (I'm really good at that.) I got this idea because one of us was working on a mod - was that Claretta?

How about someone programs a special Nine Swords android app. It could show the weather in London for instance or a special TSW trip advisor to remind you to take sunscreen lotion if you're going on a mission in Egypt. I don't know, I'm sure other people have ideas about this.

See how many members we have after the activity check. Say it's 98 (some random figure). At the event we could say the 100th member will receive this or that or something.

How about each and every member writes and endorsement for Nine Swords. We could give out the link to candidates so they can read what the members say about Nine Swords.

How about we make a world map with the home countries of our members highlighted. Again we could give the link to candidates so they can see how far we have progressed in our goal for world domination.
Nine Swords World Domination (example).png
Nine Swords World Domination (example).png (26.79 KiB) Viewed 1615 times
How about we ask Funcom to add a special 'Nine Swords cocktail' to the list of drinks at the Albion. That way we could give everybody a super duper welcome drink. I mean, how easy is that for the programming boffins at Funcom?

Should we have a missionary present to talk to Illuminati and Dragon candidates that they have made a bad choice to begin with and that they really should cross over to the Templars? And that they can then be part of a really awesome cabal?

Perhaps not for this event but we could do like a GPS/Foxhunt trail through London. Interested candidates start by talking to Katelin and Durendal (for instance) and at the end they give them a puzzle or something to solve that will lead them to another place in London. Waiting there is Maelina to talk to them about the Rapier Division. They will get another puzzle to another place and another Division Leader, etc. etc.

There it is. I hope there is a useful idea in there.

Re: [Planning Phase] Cabal Recruitment Fair

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:14 am
by Katelin
Lots of great ideas, though some of them go slightly against the aim for this event - mainly because the event is supposed to be one at which all cabals are in the spotlight, not any one singular one.

I may be organising it - but I really so want to push the idea that not any single cabal is going to be the best fit for every member of the community. Which is why its a cabal fair.. and not a 9S fair :D

Will read through when I am home and see if I can come up with ways to develop your ideas Floryn - very excited that you are spending time thinking about this with me!!

Re: [Planning Phase] Cabal Recruitment Fair

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:48 am
by Maelina
Floryn wrote: 9.
Perhaps not for this event but we could do like a GPS/Foxhunt trail through London. Interested candidates start by talking to Katelin and Durendal (for instance) and at the end they give them a puzzle or something to solve that will lead them to another place in London. Waiting there is Maelina to talk to them about the Rapier Division. They will get another puzzle to another place and another Division Leader, etc. etc.
Oh I like this one actually, it could be a very fun way to discover the different Swords !! :)

Re: [Planning Phase] Cabal Recruitment Fair

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:07 am
by Katelin
My suggestion for this specific event would be to go with idea 5 - though not each and every member, because we would get 150ish.. and thats quite a lot.

Would be pretty neat to then make a creative page as well as add this information to peoples roster pages too whoever gives their endorsements. I will set up a separate thread for this if thats ok with you - the other ideas we should likely add to our tasks forum so we dont forget/ lose them - I think you gave us many very cool new ideas Floryn!!

For suggestion 9, I would love to see this as an internal event for our 2nd Birthday - do you have the energy to organise it, Floryn? (thats 2 weeks before the recruitment fair).