The Sword's Edge
Issue 1: 27-06-2012 - In Ferro Veritas
Greetings 9S members!
Welcome to the first edition of the 9S Newsletter, The Sword’s Edge.
It is our hope that this newsletter will find its way to our members periodically to provide updates, information and a way for important cabal announcements to be delivered to your inbox. If you do not wish to receive this newsletter in the future – please ensure to update your forum user settings.
Please keep your eyes glued to our forums for times when our Recruiting officers will be online and in recruitment-mode. If anyone is having difficulties or has any questions regarding actually joining 9S in-game – please contact any of the 9S leaders. As an administration point for our forums – please all note that following a 2 week transition period from early launch, forum access groups will be reset and “Cabal Member” forum access will only be given to those people who have been recruited in-game. Server, governing types and other launch specific discussion topics are all ongoing - please check them out and add your comments.
If you have been thinking about joining one of our divisions and helping to run events – it is certainly not too late to get in touch with our leadership and discuss where your skills could be valuable to the cabal. For information about which division you could join, check out the great overview made by Kotts. If joining a division is not for you, but you still want to do something – please do not sit and be quiet about it. We have a lot of hopes and aspirations as a cabal and a stack of open tasks in our TASKS forum. Feel free to head on over and see if you can help work towards getting some of the tasks completed.
A weekend of events are planned from Friday 6th to Sunday 8th July – get involved and come and enjoy making history with your fellow cabal mates!
Friday 6-JUL-2012
1200 hrs U.S. Central Time (1800 hrs GMT) - The Run-Way Meet: The "stage" at Camelot in the park Activity Host: Katelin
1800 hrs U.S. Central Time (0000 hrs GMT) - Where is Volen? (Scavenger Hunt) Description: The scavenger hunt starts now and will run throughout the whole weekend event. There is a special page with all the details for the scavenger hunt. This activity ends Sunday, 1500 hrs U.S. Central Time. Activity Host: Volen Full Details Here
Saturday 6-JUL-2012
1200 hrs U.S. Central Time (1800 hrs GMT) - Low-level advancement (grind time) Meet: Deputy Andy Activity Host: Cephas
1500 hrs U.S. Central Time (2100 hrs. GMT) - Cabal Wide Business Meeting - meet the leadership, agenda on the website. Follow notes to be posted after. First Full Cabal Picture. Meet: London Templar Hall Activity Host: Uragon Agenda * Welcome * Leader Introduction * 9 Minute Q&A Session * Group Picture
1600 hrs. U.S. Central Time (2200 hrs. GMT) - RAIDS!! Meeting: Kingsmouth Church Activity Host: Nexa
1800 hrs U.S. Central Time (0000 hrs GMT) - Role Play Workshop Meet: Temple Club, which is right across Temple Hall Activity Host: Xeeyon
1800 hrs U.S. Central Time (0000 hrs GMT) - Low-level advancement (grind time) Meet: Deputy Andy Activity Host: Cephas
2000 hrs U.S. Central Time (0200 hrs +1 GMT) - Polaris Runs Meet: Kingsmouth Helicopter Activity Host: Nexa
Sunday 7-JUL-2012
1230 hrs U.S. Central Time (1630 hrs GMT) - Hell Raised Meet: Savage Hotel Activity Host: Kotts
1400 hrs. U.S. Central Time (2000 hrs GMT) - PvP Time Meet: Templar Hall, London Activity Host: Kotts
We look forward to seeing you there!