The Sword's Edge
Issue 35: 9th April 2019 - Forged in fire, tempered through wisdom, sharpened by resolve.
Slightly shorter issue this month, it has been a busy one for me - seemingly also for many of our members. As soon as the sun comes out then we try to cram even more into our days, despite them still only having 24hours. That said, progress has been steady and sure towards reaching the goal that Mayday set out for our Raiding members. We are 2 months into that goal plan, we have already seen a few members achieve their goals and others who are incredibly close. It seems impossible not to reach the goal within the three month timeframe!
Planning has continued for Cabal Pride 6, as you can read below. And Hollopoint has been teasing us with what we can expect for Megaversary.
Thanks for stopping by to read this months issue, you may finish it before the coffee in your mug .. but then you have more time to do things in-game!
~ Katelin
Cabal Pride 6
We have FIXED a date together with ourselves and the amazing DJ Drina of HTC. Cabal Pride 6 will be on Saturday 11th May 2019!
All cabals that are interested in being part of this years events should head over to the Secret World Legends forum and get signed up. We are sure it will be a fantastic event again this year, and as always are open to suggestions or offers of help! Just get in touch with Katelin or Yuriksha.
For all members of Nine Swords - don't miss out on our Cabal Pride Choose our Outfit competition running until the end of the month!
Not quite a joke update...
The 1st of April update was overall lots of sillies in the update notes, but some actual serious updates were included in the patch! Most excitedly for our achievement hunting cabal members - the Tank Commander Blade and Depleted Energy Cell can now be found in game! Not only that, we have members that have already got their hands on at least the blade and have been FINALLY able to get their museums another step closer to completion. The Blade and the cell are available via a special loot bag that drops at the end of a new mission in Kaidan. The mission may be completed each time someone gets their hands on a Peculiar Box. This is a random reward from Kaidan missions. You will need the blade to upgrade your museum tank from green to blue, then the cell to upgrade from blue to purple.
The Rosenbrawl a new pvp-mini game was also introduced with this patch. You can start this game after receiving an invite from another player - it unlocks missions for you to complete (an overview of the missions can be found at https://www.tswdb.com/)
The complete patch notes can be found here: https://forums.funcom.com/t/update-2-3-2-shenanigans/60469
Caption this competition
Congratulations to Mayday for winning our March "caption this" competition! We hope you will enjoy your hover-sled.
Could you be a Nine Swords recruiter?
Maintaining an active cabal can only happen when we ensure that we do not run out of members who are logging in. If you are social person, if you like the idea of being a first contact for potential new members to our cabal, if you can be organised and fulfil tasks in our forums and conquer our recruitment processes, then become a recruiter today!
Get in touch with any of our leadership team to find out more.
Your next issue of The Sword's Edge...
Your next issue of The Sword's Edge will be released on the 9th of May - see you then!!