The Sword's Edge
Issue 39: 9th November 2019 - Forged in fire, tempered through wisdom, sharpened by resolve.
Outstanding October in my opinion!! Loads of activity, masses of fun.. and no scarves from Jack, which though wasn't to be expected - always nice not to get another scarf (if anyone in power is reading this, please do not fill our inventory with scarves over the incoming month(s)!)
The Witches and Warlocks Masquerade was a success and our huge thanks go to Yuriksha for organising and running the event, along with of course our love and admiration for DJ Drina for her support once again! Our internal event "Honing the Blades" was well attended and a great opportunity for sharing knowledge, Q&A sessions and most importantly idea sharing. Shambala Power Hour.. or rather HOURS as is more accurately put have proved that the interest for PvPing in SWL is still there and we are very thankful to Arrcaeus for organising the events every fortnight.
November is looking to continue being busy, with our internal event for Achievement Hunting incoming. Keep reading to find out more.
~ Katelin
Honing the Blades
Sometimes, an event idea comes along.. and you aren't sure about how it will be accepted, or attended until it is happening. That was how Honing the Blades felt when we were in it's planning phase. Our leadership team shared ideas, discussed how we could implement it - the ride we had though was spectacular. I can only reiterate what I have said before - It is incredible how much knowledge, experience and stories our members have to share - and that those who have attended have been very willing to do so, and so openly. This willingness definitely helped Honing the Blades to reach heights we could have only dreamed of.
The power of discussing, and focussing on that discussion was phenomenal. Usually most of our cabal discussions take place mid-fight, mid-eating dinner .. mid-everything really. Everyone is always busy. Our time together helped us brainstorm ideas for 3 larger events, multiple suggestions for changes in the cabal (some of which have already been discussed and implemented such as cabal promotion) and not to mention how many more of you are using our website!
It was certainly a pleasure to be able to hand out so many shiny awards to our attendees and also to the members of our leadership team who came together for Honing the Blades 2019! We are definitely considering returning to this event format again in the future.

Halloween Competition WINNERS!
Thank you very much to our members that posted their best Halloween screenshots!!
The Sword’s Edge team picked a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winner:
1st Prize: Saunabath - Prize Infernal Guardian Pet
2nd Prize: Peryte - Black Widow Pet
3rd Prize: Mayday -Tagati's Guard Dog PET
9S Achievement Extravaganza
We are always hearing that people want more achievements, are working towards something or need help getting their achievements completed. Therefore, from the 11th November to the 25th November we are going to be overloading you all with opportunities to get those achievements closer to completion!

What exactly will we be doing?
Well, over in our Noticeboard forum you are going to find a few threads for this event.
- Most points gained over the event thread
One thread will be for points gained over the event, another will be for nominating who has helped you the most (1 nomination per cabal member, and you cannot nominate yourself *winks*), and finally a thread for letting us know when you have taken part in something.
Events will be scheduled on our calendar, and held ad-hoc in game... we hope you will all take time to also plan events with us to support more achievement points being earned.
We will be awarding some prizes to give you some incentives to get yourself involved! In the event thread, you can post a screenshot showing your achievement points on the 11th November - and then you can post again on the 25th of November, we will then see how many points you gained between starting and finishing.
Highest points Gained!
Can you gain the most points in 2 weeks? This will be split into 3 categories with a winner in each group:
- 0 to 1500 Achievement Points
- 1501 to 2500 Achievement Points
- 2501 + Achievement Points
Nominate who helped you MOST!
Nominate the person who helped you the most over the two week period to gain your achievement points! The most nominated person will get their hands on 100k MoF!
Participation Award!
If you participate in achievement hunting - tell us about it! Share your screenshots, stories of success and fun in the thread linked above in this article! All Nine Swords members who participate and mention it in this thread over the two week period will gain a shiny 9S Achievement Extravaganza Award in their website profile!
Two weeks worth of scheduled events going on to help our members work towards achievements they are still missing! What more could you all possibly ask for?! Cannot wait to see you all a LOT in game!
Signing up for Cabal Events
I know we covered this topic in our last newsletter, but it seems I need to mention it again as we have had a few people disappointed logging in to join in on something, but couldn't because the sign ups were already full - As our cabal got lots busier this last couple of months, we cannot stress enough how important it is for you to sign up to events that are scheduled if you want to attend! Logging in on the off-chance you may get a spot can still work out... but avoid disappointment by using our Noticeboard forum!
You can find our Noticeboard forum here via this link.
If you want to see other events or more events being run, or even just at a different time. You are very welcome to use our Event Requests forum area.
9S Giving
We still have our Thanksgiving event in planning. Quite a lot of you have shown interest, we now however need fixed scheduling for the event! Please make sure you sign yourself up in this thread so we can get our announcements started and share our thanks!!
Incoming in December
Your next issue of The Sword's Edge...
Your next issue of The Sword's Edge will be released on the 9th of December - see you then!!