The Sword's Edge
Issue 46: 9th June 2020 - Forged in fire, tempered through wisdom, sharpened by resolve.
June is definitely the month to log in! We have so much going on not just in Nine Swords but within the SWL community that you cannot afford to miss it! Birthdays and Anniversaries are THE best times to get logged in and join in with everything going on.
Nine Swords will be celebrating our 8th Anniversary on the 29th of June. MEGAversary is filling our schedule from the 24th of June for two fun packed weeks, and we hope that Funcom will do something to Celebrate the 3rd Birthday of our Secret World, and 8 years since the launch of TSW. Some of our members have been reaching out within the community to ask about putting events on our website calendar so we don't miss anything. We want to help increase the amount of people coming along to all events - if you are reading this as someone in the SWL community and you are running an event, please reach out to us!
See you all ingame, and happy celebrating!
~ Katelin

9S Anniversary Planning

Joke Competition
As announced in the previous issue of our newsletter, during May we held a joke competition for members of the cabal, we had 3 prizes up for grabs.. and fortunately for those that entered, just 3 entries so all of the jokes won!!!
Congratulations to the 3 winners of our Joke Competition.
The new owners of Evil Laugh emotes are WayTooBad, Gwaerhyd and Nikkina! mwahahha!
For the 3rd SWL Anniversary, Nine Swords will be doing all we can to support MEGAVersary - the community run anniversary events. Getting involved with the planning and offering your time and team leading for MEGAversary is still possible. HolloPoint is actively checking this thread here in our Tasks forum. Please do not be shy to let him know you want to help!
The community events that are happening can be found in their respective threads in the SWL forums here. If you see anything being advertised - please add it to our 9S Calendar with the MEGAVersary event tag! It would be great for as many of our cabal to be able to take part as possible and that only happens when we know what to look out for.
Tasks forum / taking on tasks
A discussion at our last Sharpening the Blades, was tasks.
We know that we have a massive array of different skillsets in our cabal. We know that Nine Swords could really benefit from more of our members working on projects within the cabal. We also know that working together and achieving goals we share together is a massive boost to our sense of community and belonging.
With these points in mind, we have been discussing ways to enable more transparency with what we could use help with and looking at ways you could be motivated to help by knowing that what you are contributing to will make a difference to our cabal.
There is always something to do - whatever you think you could contribute to. Head over to our Tasks forum regularly to involve yourself in discussions, projects and ideas for our cabal.
We are counting on you! We cannot continue being such an active and busy community without you!
Looking for Recruiters
Recruitment has been on the up this last few weeks - the only way we can ensure to maintain what we are doing, is by more of our members having their recruiter training and helping the current Recruiter team! To find out more, take a look at the directives in our Recruitment section here.
If you don't think you could be a recruiter, but you want to help remember that our cabal is always looking for new members. Even on days where we have lots of people logged in and it feels busy - we know that in online communities that there can be a fluctuation in people’s time available and when they can log into an online game. Every single member in our cabal contributes to recruitment when they log in and uphold the friendly attitude that epitomises what we stand for as a cabal.
Each time you team with people outside the cabal and they see a friendly person. Well, you could influence them enough for them to consider applying to join us.

Your next issue of The Sword's Edge...
Your next issue of The Sword's Edge will be released on the 9th of July - see you then!