The Sword's Edge
Issue 13: December 9th, 2016 - In Ferro Veritas
Welcome to the final The Sword's Edge for 2016, Issue 13! This last year has been pretty busy within Nine Swords. It is so often easy when logging in at this time of year and everyone is so hectic and busy in their real lives that our in game time can get limited and scarce to forget just how much we have all achieved this last year. We have welcomed some wonderful new members to our cabal, seen our leadership team gain new promotions and we have held some epic events. Highlights for me were definitely Cabal Pride and our Nights in the Museum events. It is so wonderful to see so many people come together at Cabal Pride - and boy did we gain a lot of achievements and work together towards some cool museum center-pieces!! So many of you helped to run events, share ideas and get involved - that is exactly what our community is about. Logging in when we can, enjoying each others company and sharing some really fun times together! It has been a good year, Swords. I am sure there are lots of things you are all wishing for this coming year - including the new content over the festive period and hopefully some new bigger in game content. We definitely hope to see lots of you logging in and having fun - for now though, I will raise a glass of my preferred beverage to you all while we take a trip down the not long past memory lane with this months issue of The Sword's Edge!

Nights in the Museum!
Today is the 9th day.. of the 12th month. Which means we have come to the end of our 3month Nights in the Museum event.
Nights in the Museum was an event that focussed on our Museums. Anything we could do together to try to help ourselves gain Lore, items and monster kills was undertaken! A huge part of this encompassed our scheduled lair runs, 10k monster hunting runs, dedicated lore runs and more. I am incredibly thankful to everyone involved in the planning of the event, as well as everyone that came along for the ride.
As a token of my appreciation, and to go on the record (well the Nine Swords member files) - I will be searching through the Noticeboard forum for each tagged NiTM event and awarding each member of 9S that scheduled something for this event an Estoc Division award "Special events coordinator". I wish I could give you more.. but Jolly deleted all the scarves, I know that only scarves would be a token high enough to go with this award!! *grins*
From what I can tell, there are still lots of people interested in gaining specific items and monster kills - so definitely keep signing up to the lair runs and 10k hunts that are scheduled, for anything more specific that you would like to achieve - feel free to make your own sign up thread in our Noticeboard forum and get people involved!! Achievement hunting is definitely a Nine Swords interest!!

Cabal Pride 2016!
Cabal Pride is a yearly event run by Nine Swords, and so far always supported by GridStream Productions. Cabal Pride is a cabal recruitment event for all cabals to participate in, and not just a huge recruitment event for Nine Swords. What matters about Cabal Pride is that it is open for our whole community. We all love being in a cabal, so it is always our aim with this event to help other members of the TSW Community to help them find a new cabal to call home. We know that however awesome Nine Swords is, it is not the cabal for everyone - everyone has such different ideas about how they want to spend their time, and the people they want to do that with!!
Cabal Pride this year was once again on the stage in Eldwick park and each signed up the cabal was given the chance to get up on the stage to show our community why they should join their cabal. All types of cabals were VERY welcome. Everyone hopefully felt that they were included and encouraged to sign up!!
I am a little biased, but I thought Cabalpride 2016 was awesome! I am so grateful and thankful to every member of the TSW community that made this event so special. Our 4th Cabal Pride - and definitely not our last. It was also great to see Odonoptera there showing off the new Hide and Shriek social gear! It was worth every second of planning, typing, coffee drinking and giggling!! There are already cabals interested in another event next year!
If you missed the event - there are loads of amazing pictures posted on Twitter:

What's your name?
This issue, Bladevenom has given us an insight to his name!
Why Trionus "Bladevenom" Alvaere?
As requested, the out of character history of the nickname "Bladevenom". When I was 14 years old, I was a bit of a geek. I used to play Dungeons and Dragons, and my first character was a first level magic user, his name was Spellvenom... I played that character for years and eventually reached the 18th level. When I first started playing MMORPGs years later, I playes Dungeons and Dragons Online, and rolled a rogue who duel wielded daggers with addition of a fiery venomon the blade and using my previous paper Dungeons and Dragons' name of Spellvenom, altered the first part of that to reflect the weapon choice I had made. Over the years, there has been multiple Bladevenoms, Axevenoms, Ragevenoms, Healvenoms... Aahh, to reminisce. :D I will say that since I joined Nine Swords, I have enjoyed myself more than any other time I can recall, working alongside such a lovely group of helpful players is a privilege..

Nine Swords is Recruiting!
Notice: Activity Check.
Please note that the usual activity check that happens between Christmas and New Year will be moved to start at the end of April 2017. This means that if you are not logged in between the 1st of January 2017 and the end of April, you should expect to receive a PM from Durendal (Uragon) here in our forums! Hoping to see lots of you in-game so that he doesn't have to send many PMs!!!