Events Calendar

Sunday, 8. December 2019, 07:30pm - 08:30pm
Hits : 3564
by Sam515

Story Mode run will be run first.

Training and strats for the E5 run will be given during/after the SM.

Story Mode requires an IP of 50, Level 50.

And for first timers, pick up the mission from the Mission Board in Agartha.


New York E5, Requires IP 450+ (E5+).


Sign-up and details here.

Signing up will make you eligible for a forum badge.


UTC Event times: Sunday, 8. December 2019 07:30pm - Sunday, 8. December 2019 08:30pm
Event times for your set timezone: Sunday, 8 December 2019, 19:30 - Sunday, 8 December 2019, 20:30