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[Happy Tentacle Radio RP] Dark Neon Lights DJ Show
Saturday, 6. June 2020, 08:00pm - 10:00pm
Hits : 378
by Yuriksha

DJ show with DJ Chemic of Happy Tentacle Radio, featuring electronic music, house, hip-hop, drum and bass, or whatever he feels like playing. Usually preceded by preshow music up to an hour before official start time, but this week he will be playing a recording of James Baldwin's full "Black Lives Matter" speech from 1965. This week's music set focuses on protest music.

Stream is at:


UTC Event times: Saturday, 6. June 2020 08:00pm - Saturday, 6. June 2020 10:00pm
Event times for your set timezone: Saturday, 6 June 2020, 20:00 - Saturday, 6 June 2020, 22:00