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Father Duffy's Fight Club
Sunday, 9. August 2020, 06:00pm - 07:00pm
Hits : 376
by Xaoti

INFO from the website:


Sponsored By Omne Datum Optimum, one of the Founding Cabals in the Secret World,


Father Duffy's Fight Club is an Event in the Secret World.

On an irregular but roughly Monthly schedule we get together in the Seoul Fight Club and beat the snot out of each other.
The Equal Footing Buff in the Seoul Fight Club makes all players more or less equal, disappointing Griefers and when you fall, there are no fees or repairs.

There are NO Prizes, Costs, AP, XP, or SP only chaotic fun, trash talk and Camaraderie.
Oh, and there's FREE BEER!!

It's the most friendly PVP in the history of PVP!
And you can join us! ODO opens this to all comers.
Members of other Cabals and unaffiliated independents are welcome!
Any player who can get to Seoul can fight, the buff giving them a fair chance.
C'mon! Join the Fun! There are violence-free accommodations for spectators too!
Consult this site ( to see when the next Fight Club is scheduled.


To attend Fight Club, JUST SHOW UP!




Location Seoul Fight Club

UTC Event times: Sunday, 9. August 2020 06:00pm - Sunday, 9. August 2020 07:00pm
Event times for your set timezone: Sunday, 9 August 2020, 18:00 - Sunday, 9 August 2020, 19:00