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Cassar's Casual PVP
Sunday, 3. April 2022, 01:00pm - 01:45pm
Hits : 582
Contact Cassar

Have you ever been curious about what it's like to face off against your fellow Secret Worlders? Or just wanted to take a shot at me for my inane remarks in cabal chat? Well good news, here is your chance. I'll be hosting a loose format PVP brawl for those who are interested. All skill, gear levels and off the wall builds are welcome.


What do I need?

Just yourself mostly, bloodlust is optional.


How can I compete against people with higher IP than me?

Seoul Arena has the equal footing buff in place, this makes character stats such as HP the same for all. Also as this won't be Shambala PVP  we can form a larger team against a small team and just play around with different formats.


Where is Seoul Fight Club?

On the day you can just meet up on someone already inside, but if you want to check out the arena before hand the entrance is at the bottom left corner of the Seoul hub.


What if I die?

You get right back in there soldier! There is no repair cost while in the arena.

Location Seoul Fight Club

UTC Event times: Sunday, 3. April 2022 01:00pm - Sunday, 3. April 2022 01:45pm
Event times for your set timezone: Sunday, 3 April 2022, 13:00 - Sunday, 3 April 2022, 13:45