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Casual PvP - Teams Edition
Thursday, 4. August 2022, 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Hits : 571
Contact Cassar

This week we are doing some team based combat in Seoul. There will be two teams, I will apply some loose restrictions on who can be with who (read: Lisiasty and I will not be on the same team) but otherwise the teams will fill with whoever attends.


Rules of Engagement:

  1. Team A vs. Team B only.
  2. Combat is not permitted in the following area(s): Raised platform outside of spawn. This will be shown by demonstration on the day.
Location Seoul Arena

UTC Event times: Thursday, 4. August 2022 07:00pm - Thursday, 4. August 2022 08:00pm
Event times for your set timezone: Thursday, 4 August 2022, 19:00 - Thursday, 4 August 2022, 20:00