Events Calendar
Thursday, 4. August 2022, 04:00pm - 05:00pm
Hits : 590
by Rocko2020
Hello 9S !
So since I can't be able to ever do the tuesday/wednesdays when the Cabal usually runs them due to my time zone and work schedule I'm going to start hosting them on Thursdays 12pm EST (noon). I've discussed this my tank friend and we can both tank it together. What we are looking for is 1 healer with cleanses for group 1 and another dps or whoever with cleanses for group 2 that might be able to help out weekly. Everyone let me know! I'll post the event in my Discord channel please sight up there and on 9S fourms , ty !
My Discord event link below:
Location EST
UTC Event times: Thursday, 4. August 2022 04:00pm - Thursday, 4. August 2022 05:00pm
Event times for your set timezone: Thursday, 4 August 2022, 16:00 - Thursday, 4 August 2022, 17:00