Events Calendar
So I had this idea for a silly fun-run type of dungeon crawl, designed to take us back to the days when we were baby characters who had no gear and no clue.
Everyone remove gear until you can get to around IP 150. For some of us, that may be weapons only. . .
Everyone enter the queue in DPS spec and click all roles. . . then let the queue decide who will tank, who will heal, and who will dps. Note, if you don't already have weapons for these roles, you may need to buy something cheap on the AH instead of your favorite weapons.
Play E1 in a random role with low IP--just for the fun of it.
Optional: Make it truly co-ed naked dungeoneering. Speedos and bikinis for everyone!
We're doing it for the lulz. . . who's with me!?!
Link to sign up on forum: