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Beginner Tank-stravaganza (August 11th, 19:00 UTC)
Saturday, 11. August 2018, 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Hits : 885
by Balchie

Have you been wanting to learn how to tank, but don't want to subject a bunch of innocent strangers to the frustrations of your bumpy learning process? Come inflict it on your cabal-mates instead!


The goal for this event is to get a bunch of tanks-in-waiting together to practice several dungeons, taking turns in the tank role. We will take time before each fight to talk about mechanics and positioning, and do a de-brief after each fight about what went right and wrong. Of course I don't know much more than you, so we will learn together.


If others want to join you are welcome, with preference given to inexperienced and/or lower powered characters. If that doesn't get us to 5 we will take whoever, but be prepared to remove gear to bring your IP down to reasonable levels.


We will do anything from e1-e4 depending on the group, gearing, and how it goes. Focus will be on learning the dungeons and getting practice, so please come with at least a basic understanding of your build and weapon abilities unlocked. Here are a couple guides to get started:


Having tanked my first dungeon last night, I can tell you it really isn't as difficult as it may seem. No special gear is required, just come with a good attitude and lots of patience and you will have it down in no time.


Time is approximate, if the previous raid even runs over we will start when it wraps up.


Signup here:



UTC Event times: Saturday, 11. August 2018 07:00pm - Saturday, 11. August 2018 08:00pm
Event times for your set timezone: Saturday, 11 August 2018, 19:00 - Saturday, 11 August 2018, 20:00