Filthy Amalgam
Evolved Filth
The Penthouse


  • The Filthy Amalgam is the third and final encounter in the Penthouse dungeon. 
  • To activate the encounter, all group members must stand in the circle of light.
  • The success of the fight relies heavily on the abilities of the healer. All group members will take damage during this fight. 
  • The fight has different phases:
    • At the start, filth adds will spawn. These have to be killed before the final boss appears. 
    • The area will slowly fill up with filth. Stay in the safe spot for as long as possible. 
    • Eventually the whole area will be filled with filth, at this point the group must move to where the boss will spawn. The boss will appear tiny at first, but will grow in size as the fight goes on.
    • During the fight, the boss will move to new locations. The group must run through the filth to reach the new location, while the healer keeps everyone alive. 
    • There will be a small safe area around the boss, and everyone must stay close enough to not get filth dots (damage over time). 
  • Abilities to look out for: 
    • Vermiculated Wail: Cone-shaped AOE.
    • Vermiculated Howl: Larger cone-shaped AOE.
    • Bilious Horror: The boss gets ready to move to another location. 
    • Siphon Filth: The boss siphons filth and grows larger. 


What the tank needs to know: 

  • At the beginning of the encounter, a few waves of filth mobs will spawn. Make sure to pick them up before they pick off your group. 
  • Stand in the safe area, close to the boss. Standing too long in the filth, will make it hard for the healer to keep you alive. 
  • Keep the boss between you and the dps. Move out of the AOEs when they appear. 


What the healer needs to know: 

  • The success of this fight relies heavily on the healer. The healer must keep the tank and all group members alive. 
  • Bring group heals. Cleanses will also be useful. 
  • Make sure to stand close enough to the boss, and avoid getting hit by AOEs


What the dps need to know: 

  • Try not to shoot anything before the tank has aggro. 
  • Stay with the group.
  • Do not stand in filth when you do not have to. 
  • Stand behind the boss to avoid AOEs.
  • Kill the boss as fast as possible.   



2022-01-06 14:19:15
Dungeon Boss