The Sword's Edge
Issue 36: 9th May 2019 - Forged in fire, tempered through wisdom, sharpened by resolve.
It is the eleventh hour before Cabal Pride - as a cabal, we are excited though unfortunately at the same time a bit sad. We love hosting Cabal Pride, mainly because we see our community coming together - the community has always been what has driven us to log in and get involved. We were not expecting the response we have.. which although has supported Cabal Pride, and has been enthusiastic about the event - has shone a dim light on the activity and in-game presence of so many cabals that we have shared the TSW and SWL journey with so far. As we have said to each cabal we have reached out to so far, and any that are still likely to be approached by any of our Nine Swords members before Saturday - we still want to see you there. Even with the, at the time of publishing this newsletter, 4 Cabals that are signed up .. our goal is to have FUN together!
Our month has been full of more than just Cabal Pride planning - many thanks to Phanth for hosting a fantastic "Show me your build" competition.. anyone that attended our World Boss summonings this last month may have wondered why things were not running as quickly as they usually do with us. Well the reason was, because we were trying to use builds posted by our members to out-beat their DPS with equipment also being switched about to ensure a set IP range wasn't exceeded. On top of that, loads of achievement hunting progress has been racked up - lots of pats on the backs for ridiculous amounts of monster hunting, shard gathering and .. jumping *winks*
Hope you enjoy this months issue of our Newsletter and we all want to see you in game! LOG IN!!
~ Katelin
Cabal Pride SIX is this Saturday!
Bee one of us!
- be involved - be a team - be connected -
Show me your Build Competition!
Phanth ran a competition this last month to encourage our members to try their builds against other members! The concept was for everyone to post their best pure-dps build and everyone else (level 50) had a chance to beat it with the same weapon combo. Those who wished to compete against the posted build had to lower their ip to within 100 of the current IP of the "build in play" by removing gear piece(s) of their choice. We then took a long fight.. in this case, World Bosses - and pitched our builds against each others! This meant we could have multiple people taking part at once and know what when our less experienced blood users had little accidents, we could giggle en masse at their deadly expense!
6 Builds were in the end chosen to work from -
- 1. Pistol/Shotgun, ip: max 1492 (prize declined)
- 2. Hammer/Chaos, ip: max 1237 (prize declined)
- 3. Blade/Pistol, ip: max 1100 - no deciding set of fights
- 4. AR/Pistol, ip max 1200 (Winner: Wargmir 50k MoF)
- 5. Blood/Elemental, ip: max 1295 (Winner: DW 100k MoF)
- 6. Rifle/Elemental, ip: max 1082 (Winner: Durendal 50k MoF)
Congratulations to Wargmir, DigitalWraith and Durendal for your prizes! and to everyone that took part. Props of course to Phanth for coming up with another idea for helping us all have an opportunity to discuss and work on our builds and button mashing!
Outfit Competition
We like competitions in Nine Swords - and Cabal Pride gave us an opportunity to run another Choose our Outfit competition. We have held this the last few years and always get some interesting entries! Congratulations this time around to Phanth for getting 55% of the vote for his entry - this year, we will be looking rather like Neo - shades and all. Phanth will of course see the 9S members attending Cabal Pride in a variation of his outfit as well as getting his hands on 100k MoF!

PvE Update - Medals!
There has been some chatter in cabal chat this last month about doing more things to ensure our medals interface doesn't get dusty and unused. Our medals are there for our members to gain acknowledgement and a tip of the hat when we see you have done something awesome. There are loads of different medals you can work towards - and likely quite a few that you could already be awarded, but we need to know you fulfilled the criteria!
Get in touch with ANY of our leadership team if you think your medals need some attention, or if you want to attend a workshop or event to help you work towards gaining more!
You can read about our member awards here: 9S Member Awards
You can see an the awarded 9S awards here: 9S Awards
Nine Swords Monster Hunting - Update
Shjailil and I finished our monster hunting this last month *applause* - and we have been asking those that have been coming along with us on the hunting runs what would be most useful to do with the timeslot we use for that. We all unanimously agreed that using it for continued achievement hunting is the best idea. As achievements can include so many things, we were happy with this - and will therefore keep posting the timeslot in the calendar and its associated sign up post in our Noticeboard forum.
Your next issue of The Sword's Edge
Your next issue of The Sword's Edge will be on the 9th June 2019 - see you then!!