Secret World Legends' Anniversary spectacular - June 20 - July 11!
Bonus AP and SP begins June 8 at 9:00 AM EDT! and ends on the 14th June.
We are discussing it here: https://www.nine-swords.com/forums/53/11514
Nirvelle, Lead Designer (SWL)has posted an update about what the team are currently working on including the anniversary, mission packs and future tech.
You can read it here: https://forums.funcom.com/t/wait-its-june-already/13860
Swords, do you want to help our cabal be the best it can be? Join a Nine Swords division and help to plan events, support the cabal and maintain an active community. For more information: Division Overview
If you are interested in joining one of our divisions, please contact the current leader of that division. If it is a division without a leader, please contact Katelin or Durendal.
It is the 9th of the month again already - which means, time for another The Sword's Edge release!
You can find it here - https://www.nine-swords.com/the-sword-s-edge/203-the-sword-s-edge-issue-27
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