Just 1 week left to submit your responses to our Call to Arms. We have had so many keys donated as prizes, we are likely to revise how many purple keys will be given out as your reward for just taking part! And - if you want to have a look just how many Red and Yellow keys we have been donated - just take a look in our cabal bank! Or maybe the dossier will tempt you to take the time to enter. I cannot wait to start giving out the prizes to those who have taken part!!
We have had a great range of responses about things so far, and so so much feedback. But that doesn't mean we don't need your comments too! The survey focuses on events in the cabal and will enable us to gain feedback from you as to how we as a cabal can provide opportunities for improving your experiences via cabal events and support.
You can access more information and the link to the survey by going to this forum post: https://www.nine-swords.com/forums/53/11230
Double Agent XP Weekend is incoming - It starts on Thursday, March 22nd and runs through until Sunday, March 25th 2018. Accelerate your Agent advancement! When completing any Agent Mission, Agents earn double the experience points! No strings attached – just turn in a mission and reap the rewards.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to stop laying low in the limelight, the long wait is coming to an end. After long months of less-than-stellar communication with their players, Funcom finally announced the release date for the long-awaited season 2 of Secret World Legends and the location where the story is going to happen. Titled Dawn of the Morninglight and located in South Africa, this new season will see its first content deployment on 4th of April 2018
There are no details about gameplay changes if any, or any other specific details, but this is a historic moment nonetheless, the moment all TSW and now SWL players waited for a long time.
As mentioned in this months The Sword's Edge - we want to invite all members of Nine swords to take part in a survey.
We are calling this Nine Swords Call to Arms as we have done in the past. This is the 3rd time we have run a similar survey in the cabal. We hope to exceed our previous response rates on this one!
The survey will focus on events in the cabal and will enable us to gain feedback from you as to how we as a cabal can provide opportunities for improving your experiences via cabal events and support.
You can access more information and the link to the survey by going to this forum post: https://www.nine-swords.com/forums/53/11230
Issue 25 of The Sword's Edge - our Cabal Newsletter, is here!
You can take a look here: https://www.nine-swords.com/the-sword-s-edge/186-the-sword-s-edge-issue-25
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