NY Raid Thursday 09 July 2015 18:50 GMT

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Re: NY Raid Thursday 09 July 2015 18:50 GMT

Post by Kisshoten »

Closing sign-ups.

Flo - Leech
Katelin - tank
Durendal - healpod
Anta - Tank
frogsley - DABS DPS

Kisshoten - DPS
risuka - DPS
Mellified - Adds DPS
cold-alex SF DPS
MissRythm - DABS DPS

Directio - Any DPS/buff will also burn and shred adds
Rick Fortune
Posts: 1153
Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:36 am
Twitter: @TheRicksterTSW
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Re: NY Raid Thursday 09 July 2015 18:50 GMT

Post by Rick Fortune »

Swap me for Directio. Looks like I might be 50-50 on this.

Edit: Sorry about that, got emergency call in for work due to the Monitoring system going phut in ICU and Emergency. At the time I wrote the post I thought it may have been a quick fix I could get done by phone directions. However it proved a little more onerous and I didn't get back home till 2 am approx. That was 3 hours before the raid and I just couldn't wake up in time. The terrors of the On-call roster...@(&#$#$)!@#^
New Name is 'Cholesterol' cause I keep giving people Cardiac Arrests.
Describing MissR's PvP modus operandi.

The two rules of 9S:
1) When in doubt, blame Endo.
2) If you cant blame Endo, blame Sonno.
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