Kill Team/Raid/Yellow Signers
1. Yuriksha (Left Arm, Left Leg)
2. Mellified (Head, Right Arm)
3. Aldric (Torso)
4. Durendal (alt Left Arm)
5. ShockG (Right Leg)
6. Katelin (Yellow)
7. Rezn (Yellow)
8. LeMort (Yet another left arm, Yellow)
9. Pilgrim7 (More spare parts)
10. Floryn (More spares, yellow)
11. Antanahe (etc, yellow)
12. Reviled
13. Gebbeth (another left leg)
EDIT: Actually, it occurs to me there is a limit, as supposedly each zone instance has a cap of 10 people. If we have more than 10 we may need to test the limits of our creativity in cycling people in and out of our instance quickly enough for them to get the lore.