Heya! I'd like to invite everyone to join me in lair runs that I will be organizing daily from now on. Before you jump to reading the requirements for joining, please take a moment to read this introduction section, as it may concern you in the future.
No One Left Behind
While these runs will be for the most part first come, first served, people still may feel like they're being left out sometimes. If you ever feel this way, please do not hesitate to send me a /tell in-game and I will try my best to get you into a lair run as soon as possible. If I'm not in-game at the time, then send me a private message here on the forum.
With this in mind, I'd also like to ask everyone in the cabal to show your selfless side when it comes to this. If you've been getting in a lot of these daily lair runs, consider giving your spot to someone who is looking to try out lairs or who wasn't able to reserve a spot for a while.
Minimum Requirements
Damage Dealers: 150+ IP, 10% or higher glance reduction.
Healers: 125+ IP.
Tanks: 225+ IP.
Note for tanks: Yes, I know, requirement is a lot higher than for other roles, but it is what it is. Lairs simply require a lot more for tanks than for other roles. I honestly didn't feel comfortable setting requirement for tanks any lower. I set it to 250 IP at first, then decided to lower it a bit, but i'm not very sure about it. If you have 9k+ HP, you'll probably be fine as long as you have the buff potion on that will get you to 10k+ HP.
Raid Structure
Main Tank
Tank-in-training | Secondary Tank
Main Healer
Healer-in-training | Secondary Healer
Damage Dealer x6
So regarding Tank-in-training and Healer-in-training spots in the raid. The reason we'll have these is simply to have safe environment for our tanks and healers to test themselves for lairs.
For example, I'll let another tank start a boss fight as the main tank and if he dies, I'll just pick up the boss and there will be no wipe, but the secondary tank will learn more about the fight and also get a chance to see if his gear is good enough to even tank lairs.
These slots will just be filled by another healer/tank/dps if there's no actual healer-in-training or tank-in-training to fill them.
Learning Material
I'll post some links here in case you wish to learn a bit about lairs before joining. This is not a requirement, since I will explain every boss before we summon them, but some of the bosses will be first experience for me too, so it wouldn't hurt to check this information for yourself.
SWL Lair Guide
Start Time and Lairs
You can see the start time and which lairs we will be doing for that day on the event calendar, HERE.
Note: Change timezone from default to your own timezone in user control panel, so that you can see when the lair run will be starting in your timezone.
Applicant List
Just reply in this thread to join. If your forum name doesn't match your in-game name, then please also write your in-game name in the post.
1. Valor (Tank)
5. (Damage)
6. (Damage)
7. (Damage)
8. (Damage)
9. (Damage)
10. (Damage)