Since Valor is still in his semi-sabbatical and the events calendar looks a little empty right now, i've decided to fill the void with my very own first PVE event.

The run will take place on Wednesday, August 23 at 19.00 GMT.
This neat, little run is for everyone that hasn't arrived in Transylvania yet or who is fed up with the standard farming route in Shadowy Forest. In order for you to take part, you have to have all missions in Al-Merayah unlocked and come as far as Khalid. Other than that there are no requirements.
Depending on how well this will work out in the end, I'm planning on making this a weekly regular thing. For now, this will be a test event though.
If you'd like to sign up, just post below and I'll add your name to the list.
1. Penelopiad
2. Mellified
3. Quimbee
See ya! <3