Ladies and gents, this is Agatha!

She's a smidge over nine weeks old, weighing in at a fighting weight of four and a half pounds. Aggie is half Boston Terrier, her mother being a mutt, mostly Poodle and Pomeranian.

You might recall that our Jack Russel Terrier passed away a few months ago, and the house just hasn't felt like a home without a dog in it. We asked around, checked the local shelters, and didn't find anything. Seriously - three shelters, and no dogs available. Every pooch was reserved when we checked. That's great for the dogs, but it was frustrating when we were looking for someone to take in, you know?

Eventually I put up a Craigslist ad, saying I had a good home and was looking for a puppy to share it with. A few days later, this little sweetheart showed up in my email. At the time, she was only four days old:

Sold. I mean, look at her.
They sent us regular pics and updates, and when she was eight weeks old, we got to bring her home. Aggie's smart and affectionate, she loves meeting new people and new cats, but is a bit hesitant about meeting new dogs. We're working on it.
My sweetheart works at our city's tourism office, which is dog-friendly, so on days where we both work long days Agatha will get to go to work with her Lady and work as a greeter dog. She's remarkably trusting and patient (or maybe our Jack Russel was just remarkably suspicious and demanding?) and when she curls up in my lap and sighs contentedly, I just about melt.

I mean, look at her.
I still miss our grouchy old girl, Jazz. She would have HATED the puppy, but then, she hated most things. Aggie is so very different, though. It's good to have a dog again, and doubly good that this feels like a successor, not a replacement, if that makes any kind of sense?
Anyway. Puppies are a huge time sink, and aside from brief logins now and again to snag my cache keys from Patron, I haven't been on lately. I thought it only fair to show you all what's been taking up most of my time. Can you blame me?