I kinda wanted to wait and see how other people are going to post their entries. ._. And also is real deadline 5th July? Would be nice if it would be 5th august, I'd be able to bring some masonic symbols from my trip. (:
OK, whatever. I actually have found few 'Templar crosses' in my rush searching but I ended deciding to bring here something less of direct resemblance and more symbolic, sorry. I can provide crosses later. (: The thing is that city where I live now belonged to Prussia/Germany long ago and it took its part in world wars back then so there were plenty of cemeteries and mass graves around back then. But after my country took it it ended rebuilding half destroyed place and, yeah, most of cemeteries are gone now. I didn't look deep into it, I just know there are still plenty of stories about builders finding bones. This place I chose to show you is memorial cemetery now. It was mass grave of WWII victims when they found it first and then they added remains from other places later, I believe there's more than 20k remains in this place now, though I could miss more news about the thing. Most are nameless. I guess you understood what I'm pointing at when I mentioned mass graves. Yeah, we have no witch trials victims here or cultists or poor miners as Kingsmouth has but... no one kinda has any idea who CAN be there since it's thousands of nameless bones.

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This place looks like park until you notice crosses. (: It just lacks of some dedicated zombies digging.
I hope I did everything right.

"One must suffer from absolute blindness to freely pour the milk of human kindness."