Regional Bosses at a Time when NA people can Participate 2.0

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Regional Bosses at a Time when NA people can Participate 2.0

Post by Shadowcat-x »

There has been no response from PVE team regarding the first thread I posted about this, so I'm bringing it up again. Can we get some regional boss runs (preferably scheduled in advance, so plans can be made) in a time when USA timezone people have some hope of participating?

In my original post, I did a poll asking when the most people would be available, and Saturday came out ahead.
poll results.png
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Since Shadow doesn't have the IP and I don't have the skill to sustain tank regional bosses, we need help from the Eurozone tanks. Your prime time is our morning, and on a Saturday, that's do-able. USA timezone is growing in power but we do not have enough heals + dps + tanks to swing this on our own.
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Re: Regional Bosses at a Time when NA people can Participate 2.0

Post by Rokynn »

To be fair, I did reply that I'm willing to tank it but we never set a time :)

Maybe sometime between 7 and 9 PM GMT?
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Re: Regional Bosses at a Time when NA people can Participate 2.0

Post by Shadowcat-x »

On a Saturday? That works. You're the PVE division member so create the event for the Saturday you're available. I assumed since you didn't actually create an event (and you kind of took an extended break) that you were no longer interested.
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Re: Regional Bosses at a Time when NA people can Participate 2.0

Post by Rokynn »

Ok setting up the event for next week. The time is not set in stone, open to suggestions.
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Re: Regional Bosses at a Time when NA people can Participate 2.0

Post by Cherrie »

That would be awesome to get into some higher end stuff. Cherrie is almost 900 ip and does almost nothing over e4.
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Re: Regional Bosses at a Time when NA people can Participate 2.0

Post by Neural »

Already discussed with Shadow in game, but on both Fri and Sat US times, I'm available from 3pm EDT onwards. Can tank pretty much anything needed, with a caveat that I totally lack experience with Regional Boss tanking, so would need pointers, tips etc. If the intent is to do a US NYR E5, then we'll need a second victim (tank). Tank set IP is currently 856ish, over 20K hp before Pure Anima or Hammer tank buff.

I'd need about 12-14 hours notice though if selected time is 3pm-6pm EDT, to make sure I set alarms (3pm EDT = 8am my time ;) ). If the selected time becomes a regular scheduled event then it'll be super easy.

Cheers folks.

Edit: Can also easily run Sustain tank. ;)

Edit 2: Saw the signup post from Rok and have signed up to learn / dps. Am aware that it's outside my preferred times, but that's life.
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Re: Regional Bosses at a Time when NA people can Participate 2.0

Post by Phanth »

Thanks for the poll, definitely makes it easy to see what days people might be on for big events. Thanks Rokynn for taking up the challenge!
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