Show me your guitar and I will still not be able to ...

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Show me your guitar and I will still not be able to ...

Post by LeMort »

... tell you who you are :-)

Hi there

I ended up in a guitar-chat today and thought it would be fun to see who plays guitar and what guitar(s) you have.

I'll start by showing you my latest addition to my humble family of me, a dog and guitars

Classic Vibe 50's Butterscotch Telecaster.
(All my guitar have names, but i haven't figured out what to baptize this one,yet. Any ideas?)
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Re: Show me your guitar and I will still not be able to ...

Post by Katelin »

Honey-Bee.. because its a honey coloured guitar. :D
I don't play, but I still have the acoustic guitar I learnt on as a kid. It's sat in the corner of our living room in its case with the books I had for my classes!
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Re: Show me your guitar and I will still not be able to ...

Post by Mellified »

Here's my latest - a Squier Vintage Modified Cabronita with a bigsby trem. I got it delivered to my house from 60 miles away because the bloke sellling it had to take his grandson to a football match! Result:
cabronita.JPG (1.29 MiB) Viewed 3995 times
I've spent a lot of time playing in bands (starting in the mid-70's!) but I re-started playing guitars a year ago, after a 10 year break due to having a daughter. I sold my Fender Stratocaster and started scouring E-Bay and Gumtree. Here's the first one I bought from just up the road. A Classic Vibe 50's Telecaster that was really beaten up, but it has become my favourite:
classicvibe50s.jpg (1.23 MiB) Viewed 3995 times
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Re: Show me your guitar and I will still not be able to ...

Post by LeMort »

Nice suggestion Kate.
I'm also considering Norma ...

Mel; Great looking guitars. How is Bigsby? I've never tried. Does it stay in tune? Does it bend both ways? Are you mainly a Telecaster-guy?

Personally I'm a Hardbody Fender guy. My Stratocaster "Dollface" has been my main guitar since a long time a go.
Suddenly I stumbled over the Hollow Starcaster named Sita. ( She's named after my dog. You see the resemblance? :) ) Now she's my favorite by far. I love her so much. Sustain from here to eternity, even with old strings.
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Also, lately I've fallen in love with Epiphones. I've always wanted a SG because of their light weight and humbucker pickups.

This Epiphone SG Pro has Coil-split, so I have from both worlds now.
Her name? She's actually named after you know who. LeMortieth :-D
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I might show you some more later.

(Yes, I'm a Guitar nerd addict)

(And why, Katelin, does my pictures show lying down?)

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Re: Show me your guitar and I will still not be able to ...

Post by LeMort »

Katelin wrote: Sun Feb 17, 2019 11:05 am Honey-Bee.. because its a honey coloured guitar. :D
I don't play, but I still have the acoustic guitar I learnt on as a kid. It's sat in the corner of our living room in its case with the books I had for my classes!
Won't you show her to us? :-D

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Re: Show me your guitar and I will still not be able to ...

Post by Mellified »

Interesting guitars LeM - the starcaster looks very different - I'm not a massive fan of humbuckers, but I will try one if I find one. I've never enjoyed the looks of an SG - and I have no idea why! Sorry! They both look like smashing guitars though. Show me more of your collection :)

I am mainly a telecaster guy now - I used to be just a strat-style player but since trying a tele I've realised what I've been missing. Here's two that I made earlier:
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This one is from a kit - you get the bits (for £100!) in a box and put them all together, but the neck was terrible so I replaced it with a strat neck from another project guitar that I had stripped back to bare wood. Note the Prince style skunk stripe. The humbuckers are really cheap and nasty so I will replace them one day.
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This one I specified from bits from a variety of sources, put it all together myself and has a P90 in the neck position. Note the reversed control panel and the momentary kill-switch for Rage against the Machine style effects. Even though I say it myself, I was surprised at how well this one plays and sounds.

None of my guitars have names - they're just 'the blue one' or 'the shabby one'. I haven't played enough with the Bigsby to comment on its tuning stability (it only came on Saturday (today is Wednesday) and I restrung it!), but it can go both up and down.

I've still got a couple more guitars to go - so show me more!
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Re: Show me your guitar and I will still not be able to ...

Post by Shjak2823 »

Wow I love your Guitars.
I also am a Guitar addict, I have been playing since I was 12. However I have laid it down the last few years and sometimes I regret that.
I guess I need something to drive me back into it.
I have 3 Guitars, Frankenstein, The Beast and Beauty.

Frankenstein is a Stratocaster That I went crazy on Customizing.
I removed the neck and replaced the neck with a custom Zebrawood Neck and Rosewood Fret Board with Star Shaped Pearl Inlay Position Markers and extra large Fat Bob Frets and a Gibson Les Paul styled Headstock With Gold Tuning Keys and Ivory Nut.
Then I went totally crazy on its electronics.
I went with EMG-SA Active Pickups cause David Gilmore is my Guitar Hero. LoL
Then I had a GK-GT3 Synth Pickup placed at the Bridge to run my Roland Synth gear. With on board Synth Control switches.
Added an on board Equalizer for my Midrange, Bass and Treble, a 3way Switch and Bass Booster.
Gold Bridge and Vibrato Arm and Gold Jack and Housing and Gold Guitar Strap knobs.
I run Ernie Ball 9 gauge strings on this guy for fast action. I use the EQ and Bass Boost to get rid of that tinny sound of such light strings.
The Bass Boost also gives me controlled Sustain that I can hold forever while running it through a Stereo Spectrum.
Playing Deep Purple's Highway Star jumping from Deep Base pounding then into an Organ Solo and then ripping that hot lead. This Guitar does it all.
Frankenstein.jpg (2.76 MiB) Viewed 3956 times
Last edited by Shjak2823 on Thu Feb 21, 2019 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Show me your guitar and I will still not be able to ...

Post by Shjak2823 »

The Beast is a Series 10 Startocaster.
It was a Basket Case I Bought for 25 dollars at a Garage Sell. I got it so cheap cause it had a broken neck and had been laying in a box for several years in their attic. The Lace pickups were torn out of the body and wiring was in a heap. Guess I was just looking for a project.
After I had untangled all the wiring and soldered the Wiring and pickups back together the neck had no chance of survival, however just so happened that I had a spare Stratocaster neck laying around that I had originally taken off Frankenstein.
However I wanted to try something different. I had seen a Movie about Yngwie Malmsteen Where he explains how he gets such fast action off his Fret Board by Scalloping the Neck.
So I decided to try it. Very Carefully. LoL
I did not take it down very far for fear of losing the strength in the neck and wind up with a neck that could not keep it's tune. I took each fret down about 1/16 of an inch and tightened the Neck Rod.
End result was I could not play with 9 Gauge strings on this Guitar. Each time I would chord I would push the strings out of tune. The action was very spongy. I had to go all the way up to 16 Gauge before I stopped pushing the strings into the Scallop.
Those 16 Gauge strings however had a much better tone then those 9 Gauge strings and the Scalloped neck allowed me to get a much better grasp on the string to do my bends and pull offs.
This Guitar allows me to make deep deep sustained notes while Bending my notes and making the Guitar whine and will raise the hair on the back of your neck. A Very Spooky Guitar.
The Beast.jpg
The Beast.jpg (1.61 MiB) Viewed 3956 times
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Re: Show me your guitar and I will still not be able to ...

Post by Mayday »

I'm old school I guess. Here's my Jasmine by Takamine.
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And my other baby. Not a guitar, but a balalaika, still a string instrument. :D
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Re: Show me your guitar and I will still not be able to ...

Post by Shjak2823 »

Beauty is a Collectors Adamas Ovation Acoustic Guitar.
One of my Pride and Joys. I mean who doesn't love that sweet sound of a great acoustic Guitar.
I have changed very little on this Guitar other then adding a GK-2A Synth Pickup at the Bridge to add the versatility of chorus or Making the 6 string into a 12 string. It comes with an Internal pick up
and Internal Mic pick up. I play it through my Fender Acoustasonic stereo Amp
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