Competition: Show Me Your Build!

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Competition: Show Me Your Build!

Post by Phanth »

We didn't have all the folks here and were only able to do 6 summons, so please join us on Sunday for the rest of the competition!

Order of Competition: (Each round 2 WB summon, best dps counted)

1. Pistol/Shotgun, ip: max 1492
2. Hammer/Chaos, ip: max 1237
3. Blade/Pistol, ip: max 1100
4. AR/Pistol, ip max 1200 (Winner: Wargmir 50k MoF)
5. Blood/Elemental, ip: max 1295 (Winner: DW 100k MoF)
6. Rifle/Elemental, ip: max 1082 (Winner: Durendal 50k MoF)

Competition: Show Me Your Build!

Concept: You show us your best pure-dps build and everyone else will have a chance to beat it with the same weapon combo. To enter, post your build with your current ip. Those who wish to compete against your build will lower their ip within 100 of your current ip by removing gear piece(s) of their choice. No gadgets allowed since not everyone has Red Vali gadget. All other supports are allowed (agent, gadget, potions). On Monday 29 April @ 1800 UTC, we will meet up in Agartha AND SUMMON A WORLDBOSS (Tree or Mummy) to test our dps. We'll take your best dps of 2 attempts. Only the DPS will be tested, the total amount dealt does not matter (however, you should be doing dps at least > 80% of the time). Those who wish to compete will indicate when asked before the summon, and set the ip if needed. Only ONE weapon combo/build allowed per person, however, you may compete against as many other entry as you wish. I will be using ACT to determine dps. Please have your build saved in gear manager or BooBuild so we can summon within 2mins of each boss.

Winner of each Weapon combo build will be awarded 100k MoF!
If I'm the winner, the 2nd place will received 50k MoF, otherwise only 1 winner per weapon combo.

Sample Entry: Hammer/Elemental
ip: 1615

Pain Suppression
Crystallised Flame

No Pain, No Gain
Crystallised Blaze

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Re: Competition: Show Me Your Build!

Post by Shjak2823 »

ShjakIlIl Pistol/Shotgun
ip: 1392


Hair Trigger
Dual Shot
Trick Shot
Shell Salvage
Raging Shot


Fatal Shot
Lethal Aim
Salvage Expert
Win Streak

Phanth's Comments: Pretty solid build, not sure I could improve on that!
SWL Pistol Shotgun Build.jpg
SWL Pistol Shotgun Build.jpg (111.26 KiB) Viewed 5334 times
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Re: Competition: Show Me Your Build!

Post by Shjak2823 »

it would seem a bit more fair if you made a rule that each contestant also use no Agent support, (Being i have Wekesa Ikande for Pistol support, which gives me unfair advantage.).
And a rule that the weapon combos be green level 1 weapons. (not everyone will have legendary level 70 Sov-Tech Harmonisers.)
Ether I would win fairly or lose and learn something about my build to improve it.
just an idea.
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Re: Competition: Show Me Your Build!

Post by shin »

It's not bad idea to use green weapons, but some builds are useful only if you have high crit chance.

I suspect there is no dummy that is in the PVP area?

My build:


Body Double
Unbridled Wrath

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Phanth's Comment: Is Pandemonium really better than Eruption? I would think Eruption would take advantage of your Hammer dmg boosting agent supports. The Eruption would also take advantage of the Unbridled Wrath. Might also play with Blunt Force Trauma or Fast and Furious in place of Berserker.
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Re: Competition: Show Me Your Build!

Post by LeMort »

Spirit Blade
Supreme Harmony
Clean Slate
Crescent Fang
Dual Shot

Storm Surge
Rehabilitation (I see now that I have to switch that one for solo-play)
Fatal Shot
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Phanth's Comments: I would replace Cleanse Slate with something else like Hone with passive, Flourish with passive, or Kill Blind with passive. Unless you have amazing aoe bonus boost, I would go with Flowing Strike with passive instead of Crescent Fang. However, Crescent Fang is awesome for solo play or during fights with multiple targets. Same with Tsunami, great for multi-targets, but Swallow Cut with passive is still best for single boss fight.
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Re: Competition: Show Me Your Build!

Post by Wargmir »

Wargmir-2019-04-22-18-44-59.png (2.94 MiB) Viewed 5290 times
It depends on many factors, but)

Ip 1100

Placed Shot
Burst Fire
Tactical Retreat
Incendiary Grenade
High Explosive Grenade

Heavy caliber rounds, High explosion, seconday explosion, rapid fire (or smth) and backup plan.

Also - my sygnets is not even near 20 level red one, so)

Phanth's Comment: Interesting combo. Personally I hate channelled abilities because they take so much time casting...except for Crystallised Flame (Element), you cast it and forget about it!
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Re: Competition: Show Me Your Build!

Post by Jess »

Frankly, I'm not convinced how good this idea is. 🤔 Aside the part where apparently everyone here is using different combos lol. Abilities are only part of build and I'm pretty sure person with weapon specific signets and better glyphs while same ip would do more damage than general signets I personally use for example. Different weapons are important too, like, I use offhand inverter and it's apparently more effective there than anything else. Talismans of choice matter a lot too, I only recently found out that I may want different neck that's more oriented for channeled attacks. 🤔 I was also said lots of things start to work only at higher crit chance...

But, well. Atm I use blood/elementalism for DPS with single target:

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I never was any good with builds, I basically took one from one of req threads. I'd check if there're abilities better to use.
And I hit 1195 ip yesterday.
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Re: Competition: Show Me Your Build!

Post by Phanth »

Shjak2823 wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2019 10:02 am it would seem a bit more fair if you made a rule that each contestant also use no Agent support, (Being i have Wekesa Ikande for Pistol support, which gives me unfair advantage.).
And a rule that the weapon combos be green level 1 weapons. (not everyone will have legendary level 70 Sov-Tech Harmonisers.)
Ether I would win fairly or lose and learn something about my build to improve it.
just an idea.
There's no real way to make this totally "fair" without everyone going completely naked and only using selected green weapon. That's not really my intend. My real intend is to see everyone's build and see if others could improve on it. That said, the person who's been working on the specific weapons (weapon/signet/agent) will have the advantage. So to sorta balance out the gear issue I'm allowing everyone to use whatever other support they want (gadget, agent support, potion).
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Re: Competition: Show Me Your Build!

Post by Uragon »

My single target pure dps build, usually for most content I'll run with Full Auto instead of Load & Load and Superconductor instead of Heavy Payload.

Rifle / Elemental
IP: 982

Placed Shot
Incendiary Grenade
Lock & Load
High Explosive Grenade
Burst Fire

Slow Burn
Secondary Explosion
Heavy Payload
Build.PNG (138.47 KiB) Viewed 5234 times
Phanth's Comment: Pretty decent build! Try playing with Crystallised Flame with passive (you can swap it with Heavy Payload...not that heavy in opinion :P). It would seems there's a lot of energy wasted because of the 20sec cd, but you might be pleasantly surprised how much dmg it can do over the 10sec of aoe dot. The Inverter Elemental weapon (Havoc if possible) would be best for this purpose. Just compare how dmg you can do with Mjlonir vs CF over the 20 sec.
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Re: Competition: Show Me Your Build!

Post by Katelin »

Hammer / Chaos - IP: 1137


hammer-chaos-katedps.jpg (71.58 KiB) Viewed 5222 times
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
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