SWL hotfix, October 7

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SWL hotfix, October 7

Post by Katelin »

The servers are coming down for a hotfix tomorrow, October 7, at 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT. The estimated downtime is 2 hours.
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
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Re: SWL hotfix, October 7

Post by riflapotetflak »

October 7 2020 Hotfix

Aegis of Parallelism is now explained in the Chaos mechanic info pane.
Updated patron benefits tooltip to match new Patron Chest system.


Drop earrings show the appropriate faction version.
Faction Space suits show the appropriate version in the Dressing Room.


Fixed an issue that prevented The Toad Brothers’ effect from granting the full 10% bonus at level 50.
The Hessian, The Toad Brothers, and Rogue Coder’s temporary boosts now report when they end in the combat log, for those players who like to monitor uptime. The buffs are still invisible in the UI to reduce unnecessary buff tray clutter.


Occult Defense Wave 1 will accept signups.


Increased boss damage for tiers below Elite 17.


Talisman: Golden Coin - No longer retaliates if the target has a dungeon reflect shield active.
Talisman: Bracer of Forgotten Horrors - No longer retaliates if the target has a dungeon reflect shield active.
Signet: Signet of Thorns - No longer retaliates if the target has a dungeon reflect shield active.
Talisman: Serum Pouch - Fixed this item’s tooltip.
Patron Distillate Shifters can now be sold to vendors.


Chaos - Signature: Twist Fate - The damage over time portion no longer deals damage to targets that have a dungeon reflect shield active.
Hammer - Signature: Blazing Fury - The damage over time portion no longer deals damage to targets that have a dungeon reflect shield active.
Shotgun - Signature: Sonic Blast - The damage over time portion no longer deals damage to targets that have a dungeon reflect shield active.
Pistols - Fixed a typo in the description of the Second Wind passive.
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