Signup here or drop me an ingame tell for CotSG 12-1-2022 9:00 am UTC possibly followed by SD
CotSGLair Signup 12-1-2022
Moderator: Leaders
CotSGLair Signup 12-1-2022
Last edited by Nexaros on Wed Jan 12, 2022 8:40 am, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Lair Signup 12-1-2022
I'm not sure that I'll be able to make the 9am tomorrow [tends to be a busy time for me]. But I'll log on as soon as I can, so hope to make at least one of them.
Btw, I've done two of your lairs now and both really good experiences, so thx.
Btw, I've done two of your lairs now and both really good experiences, so thx.
"So much pain can be avoided by not devising stories that further upset us."
~ Derren Brown
~ Derren Brown
Re: CotSGLair Signup 12-1-2022
+ for lair 

If it's taking damage, heal it. If it's not, heal it all the same -- it might soon take damage.
Re: CotSGLair Signup 12-1-2022
Excellent SD run this morning. Thanks!
"So much pain can be avoided by not devising stories that further upset us."
~ Derren Brown
~ Derren Brown