Nexaros Lair Runs Policies

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Nexaros Lair Runs Policies

Post by Nexaros »

Lairs Policy

1)We're all here to have play and have fun. Always be polite to raid members. Calling people 'noob' etc is unacceptable and will result in an instant ban. If there are any leechers you'll be removed from the raid on the spot

2) I'm on a strict First-Come-First-Served policy. First 9 get the raid, the remaining 3 can leech. Pre-signups get in first, if they're online. Don't care what your dps/ip/watever is

3) Always follow the tank. DO not run ahead and pull things on your own. Accidental pulls are fine, but consistently disrupting the group especially if there are people new to lairs, consistently will get you on my naughty list

4) Always have raid chat enable and respond to messages for organization purposes

5) Don't spam MU. I will call it on chat when it's time

6) If you need a bag break, summon and feel free to sit a out boss or two out

7) Once in the instance DO NOT LEAVE for any reason until we're done

8) Please ensure you have at least 40 minuites or so before joining. Bailing halfway through any event is unacceptable

9) Please be patient as we often have new members in the group. Lairs especially and regios can both be very intimidating your first time though.

10) If you're a leecher, please don't hit things first -even if they aggro you.

Will share the quests for all. Always remember schematics/rock. If you forget something put it in the chat ASAP and I will run you to completion.
Last edited by Nexaros on Wed Jan 12, 2022 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nexaros Lair Runs Policies

Post by Waspstar »

I've never led a lair run, so I can't comment in detail. But I think it's useful to have this kind of guidance, not least for those who are new to lairs. As you say, they can be intimidating to begin with.
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~ Derren Brown
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