Signup here for a second round of regios starting (loosely) at 6 pm UTC. Note as a healer is mandatory we may have to go pubg or cancel. Usually takes about 30 mins to an hour depending on the dps.
Regional Bosses Second Shift 3.2.22
Moderator: Leaders
Regional Bosses Second Shift 3.2.22
Last edited by Nexaros on Thu Feb 03, 2022 2:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Regional Bosses Second Shift 3.2.22
I can tank, heal or dps whichever you like......I take it 6/pm utc is 1/pm eastern standard time....if so... I can do this. I dont see any dates though...Tuesdays are out...
Re: Regional Bosses Second Shift 3.2.22
6pm might be cutting it fine for me due to RL obligations, but I will be there …probably 17.58 or something 

"So much pain can be avoided by not devising stories that further upset us."
~ Derren Brown
~ Derren Brown