Did it hurt?

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Did it hurt?

Post by Fractalis »

Since Kichu and I have started running the daily APAC time MB summons, I have been looking at "the numbers": these envoys from an all-knowing, inaccessible and ideal world, who come down to us at times with sparkling glimpses of widsom... a divine and exhilarating nectar, which may either lift our spirits and quench our thirst for knowledge for a time, or further confuse us as we fail to grasp their true meaning.

Here are some charts, taken today from the point of view of the tank. They record incoming damage and heals on the tank, including self-heals. DPS are out of the picture, and only part of the total healing is shown: the part that was directed to the tank.

Some of the fights were not recorded properly and are kept out of the data.

Bunica Padurii, fights 2 and 3
Kichu_BP2.png (21.05 KiB) Viewed 3792 times
Kichu_BP3.png (17.64 KiB) Viewed 3792 times
If it's taking damage, heal it. If it's not, heal it all the same -- it might soon take damage.
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Re: Did it hurt?

Post by Fractalis »

Kemementi the Fear Eater, fights 2 and 3:
Kichu_KF2.png (16.63 KiB) Viewed 3791 times
Kichu_KF3.png (13.59 KiB) Viewed 3791 times
The Abyssopelagic Horror, fight 1:
Kichu_AH1.png (18.7 KiB) Viewed 3791 times
If it's taking damage, heal it. If it's not, heal it all the same -- it might soon take damage.
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Re: Did it hurt?

Post by Fractalis »

The horizontal axis is the time in seconds since the start of the fight; the vertical axis is the amount of DPS or HPS at each time. The blue curve shows the self-heals, the red curve the incoming damage, and the green curve the external heals (from the healer).
If it's taking damage, heal it. If it's not, heal it all the same -- it might soon take damage.
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Re: Did it hurt?

Post by Katelin »

I think these graphs are really interesting.
That damage increases at certain points in the fights is clear - we know when the tank should be interrupting, when to cleanse, when not to be knocked back etc. The fight duration and when these things happen based on how much dps is being aimed at the bosses.

Did you run different cooldowns at the start of fights for BP2 & 3 Kichu? Was the raise in the middle due to DPS taking longer to attack the spirits? BP can hit like a truck.

Was the second peak in graph KF2 due to a missed cleanse for Word of Anubis?
I am not sure I understand why the outgoing heal was so high in KF2 peak 3 compared to incoming damage on the tank?

Do the peaks in graph AH1 correlate with the AoE casts?
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Re: Did it hurt?

Post by kichu »

Katelin wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:53 pm Did you run different cooldowns at the start of fights for BP2 & 3 Kichu? Was the raise in the middle due to DPS taking longer to attack the spirits? BP can hit like a truck.
Basically, I'm forced to use different CDs on every "branch swipe", because my CDs are quite long, still. I use Juggernaut and Pain Suppression + Unification Susceptibility Module gadget (as a helper). Although, once (not today) I managed to through the entire fight without getting bleed at all, which was really surprising for me - maybe the Paduri didn't roll good dice for the damage, too :-) The HPS was something like 350, which made me to question the correctness of the data :-)
Katelin wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:53 pm Was the second peak in graph KF2 due to a missed cleanse for Word of Anubis?
Shouldn't be. I didn't get knocked a single time during the entire fight, as long as I remember. Most probably this is due to my mistake.
Katelin wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:53 pm Do the peaks in graph AH1 correlate with the AoE casts?
Most probably... I use DefCD on every single one AoE + the Osmium Configuration, but still it is a lot of damage. In general the Horror tend to be a little bit chaotic, especially in the beginning of the fight - sometime even with DefCD he manages to trigger my "Die Hard" with the very first hit on me.
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Re: Did it hurt?

Post by Fractalis »

From next time I will post graphs from the healer's point of view as well, to help locate things like the Padurii's DoT or the AH's AoE.
If it's taking damage, heal it. If it's not, heal it all the same -- it might soon take damage.
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Re: Did it hurt?

Post by Fractalis »

Here are some graphs for some of today's fights, showing incoming damage and outgoing heals for both the tank and the healer. Outgoing heals for the tank are self-heals, and incoming damage for the healer is Martyrdom. Each graph's scale is different (look at the numbers on the left to see the magnitude).

Bunica Padurii 2
BP2.png (21.37 KiB) Viewed 3755 times
Bunica Padurii 3
BP3.png (23.03 KiB) Viewed 3755 times
If it's taking damage, heal it. If it's not, heal it all the same -- it might soon take damage.
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Re: Did it hurt?

Post by Fractalis »

Kemementi the Fear Eater 2:
KF2.png (15.36 KiB) Viewed 3755 times
Here the bigger patch of damage on the healer is a mummy curse.

The Abyssopelagic Horror 1:
AH1.png (15.39 KiB) Viewed 3755 times
If it's taking damage, heal it. If it's not, heal it all the same -- it might soon take damage.
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Re: Did it hurt?

Post by Fractalis »

Bunica Padurii: today she didn't like the tank
BP1.png (29.9 KiB) Viewed 3739 times
BP2.png (25.41 KiB) Viewed 3739 times
BP3.png (26.34 KiB) Viewed 3739 times
If it's taking damage, heal it. If it's not, heal it all the same -- it might soon take damage.
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Re: Did it hurt?

Post by Fractalis »

Kemementi the Fear Eater
KF1.png (20.94 KiB) Viewed 3739 times
KF2.png (23.9 KiB) Viewed 3739 times
KF3.png (23.4 KiB) Viewed 3739 times
If it's taking damage, heal it. If it's not, heal it all the same -- it might soon take damage.
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