[Competition] Advertise your favourite item.

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Vote for your favourite entry!

Poll ended at Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:23 pm

Donna's comfy combat communication headset
Kichu's Thundering Demise of Restoration poster
Wodnica's Raven skull necklace
Sigouda's immaculate white fur
GunnerySgt's 9S ACME Division Advert
Lisiasty's Techsword poster
Total votes: 15

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[Competition] Advertise your favourite item.

Post by Katelin »

9S Competition Time!

Advertise your favourite item.
You possess something in our secret world that you want to rave and shout about? You want everyone to know that the best thing since sliced bread is what you have got? Don't hold back darlings, turn the spotlight directly on what you have got and tell us all loud and proud about your favourite item in our Secret World.

Create a short advertisement
We want you to create a short advertisement for your favourite item. Make sure it is ooozing with creativity. You can submit a poster, text for a jingle, a video, or a voice recording. We want you to give it your best shot - and we want to be entertained!

Submit your entry
Post your entry to this thread between now and the 20th September 2022. We will then all vote on your entries to pick our winners!

Voting will end on the 26th September 2022, 18:23UTC. Winners will be announced on TUESDAY 27th September.

Our top 5 winners will be able to choose, in the order they win, from the following selection of very awesome shiny items:
  • [Third Age Channeler of Energy Mk III] - GunnerySgt
    [*][Third Age Brand of Energy Mk III] - Wodnica
  • [Third Age Burners of Energy Mk III] - Lisiasty
  • [Third Age Channeler of Energy Mk III] - Kichu gunnery will pass it on
  • [Tome of the Void of Efficiency Mk III] - Sigouda

Thank you to Rifla for donating the items.
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
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Re: [Competition] Advertise your favourite item.

Post by Donna »

The biggest treasure i got in Secret World is this confy combat communication headset , which allows me to communicate with my Bestie Dame Julia Beatrix Tyburn , and because she is not so familiar with the new technologies and smartphones , this is getting the job done. And both me and Dame Julia are happy :D
Me and my Bestie , Smileee
Me and my Bestie , Smileee
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Re: [Competition] Advertise your favourite item.

Post by kichu »

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Re: [Competition] Advertise your favourite item.

Post by Wodnica »

Although I change outfits depending on my mood or situation - you know I cannot report myself in my Faction office dirty, and in a combat outfit, I won't wear my finest dress for digging in filth either. However, there is one item that is almost always with me. I don't remember when I got it, it was still at the time when I was investigating issues that were happening on Salomon Island. It is a Raven skull necklace. As you can see, it looks well with the evening outfit and daily. Besides that, it has unnatural properties. We all know what happens in Secret World stays there but Raven's pendant doesn't follow the rule, and even if I need to leave the Secret World, the pendant stays with me.
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Re: [Competition] Advertise your favourite item.

Post by iwantp1e »

Upgrading and improving is all cool and nice, but fashion comes above everything. You have to be looking sharp when killing the baddies, hence my favourite item in the game is my immaculate white fur.
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Re: [Competition] Advertise your favourite item.

Post by Zornica »

  • You are a desperate melee dps and your tank keeps forgetting to interrupt that aoe?
  • Looking for a way to get rid of those pesky chaos users in Shambala?
  • Tank stuck at Recursia with a bunch of lazy dps?
  • Having a melee buddy who really needs that extra excersise in scenarios?
  • The Casino doggo loves your smell a bit too much?
  • Some shady guy is trying to rob you of your maize harvest?
Say no more, look no further, we've got just the right tool for you:

9S ACME Division proudly presents "Ultrasonic Anti-Personnel Cannon". Interrupts, damages and kicks your enemies away! Comes in several different colors and ranges, fit for both economy and whale budgets. Get it now and kick all your problems ri-i-ight into space!

But that's not all! Order in the next 30 minutes and you get a nice Kaidan owl to be your shiny companion in those dark smelly destinations!

9S ACME Division - Making the game great again!
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Re: [Competition] Advertise your favourite item.

Post by Lisiasty »

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Re: [Competition] Advertise your favourite item.

Post by Katelin »

Winners will be announced on TUESDAY 27th September.
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
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Re: [Competition] Advertise your favourite item.

Post by Zhu »

Out off competition

you can’t stand to have your feet stinking after a hard day of fighting, chasing monsters who run away from you because of the smell or who prefer to commit suicide rather than endure another second of this stench
smell.png (1.43 MiB) Viewed 1577 times
My favorite item to avoid it: flip-flops
not smell.png
not smell.png (736.7 KiB) Viewed 1577 times
Flip-flops,The monsters will come to you with flowers
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Re: [Competition] Advertise your favourite item.

Post by Wodnica »

Zhu wrote: Sat Sep 24, 2022 4:51 pm

Flip-flops,The monsters will come to you with flowers
no way, I am wearing flipflops while walking through filth or sands in Egypt.

I just throw my trainers into washing machine :P
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