Casual PvP - Seoulmates - 15/09/22 1900 UTC

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Casual PvP - Seoulmates - 15/09/22 1900 UTC

Post by Cassar »

Thursday 1900 UTC, forming at 1855UTC. Join channel 9S-PvP for the event.

Next week we return once more to Seoul Arena for some duos vs duos action. We are leaving the assault rifles on the weapon racks and dusting off our lesser used weapons (okay so maybe lesser used by me within 9S but I digress). If we get an odd number of players one of the more veteran members will fight it out alone.

As there is a possibility of tank and healer combos I would gently request partipants lean more into the damage dealing duties to keep the blood flowing. This is a request, not a requirement though. It's war after all.

The duos will get switched up at intervals I'll decide on the spot to keep things fresh.

Rules in effect:
  • No Assault Rifle in primary or secondary slot.
  • Keep combat away from the platform at the respawn area where possible.
Last event we had success with inviting some trusted people external to the cabal, I'll be doing this so again but please don't take it upon yourself to publicise the event to unwashed masses.
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Re: Casual PvP - Seoulmates - 15/09/22 1900 UTC

Post by Wodnica »

I will be there ^^

Re: Casual PvP - Seoulmates - 15/09/22 1900 UTC

Post by Cassar »

Thanks to all who joined in, we had another decent showing from both within the cabal and some from outside of 9S.

Gunny won the shard raffle.
Pictured: Rocko, Lisiasty, Xantheavia, Wodnica, a stray cat with a large shadow, Lopek, GunnerySgt and Liopard-Dubh.
20220915205218_1.jpg (199.58 KiB) Viewed 678 times
Not pictured but was also there at some stage was Sigouda, Fowlskins and Unatrix.

Both myself and Lisiasty got some footage of the later stages, maybe some clips will surface maybe they won't. If they don't have this footage of Lopek sliding around the floor.
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