EU Nightmares
EU Nightmares
I'd like to give the idea of making two evenings a week a sort of dedicated time slot to run some nightmare dungeons, in order to provide a chance for those of us that need to plan their gaming time, or that would otherwise not log in regularly, a good shot at that content. Kate and I were thinking of a Wednesday / Saturday schedule at 19:00 UTC for about an hour to two. Anybody interested? 

Re: EU Nightmares
Well I'm in the US, not EU, but I play during the day more anyways. 
Anyways I could make pretty much every Wednesday for that time and occasionally the Saturdays too.
I'm a healer or dps (Perfer healing)

Anyways I could make pretty much every Wednesday for that time and occasionally the Saturdays too.
I'm a healer or dps (Perfer healing)
Re: EU Nightmares
It sounds good. I should be able to attend most of them. See you there 

Re: EU Nightmares
Ok, tried to get this going tentatively and managed to almost get four people in total. So is was *this* close to success! Fingers crossed for next Wednesday.
Re: EU Nightmares
Wednesday you say? I'll try to appear. I have exams though :/

Where horses fear to tread, ponies kick down doors.
The success is measured in cats.
Some words are written to make you think. Pacman.
Re: EU Nightmares
This wednesday (tomorrow) I'm a bit uncertain, but saturdays and every other wednesday shouldnt be a problem for me, so I'm definately in! If I'm online and not allready doing anything, I'm pretty much always in 

Re: EU Nightmares
Besides Kate and me, only Dellingr could actually make it tonight, so it didn't happen. Next try: Saturday!
Re: EU Nightmares
I will be online later, but I won't be able to make 19:00 GMT tonight, sorry about that.