RP Meet and greet for new members Fri. Oct. 4th

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RP Meet and greet for new members Fri. Oct. 4th

Post by Blood-Born »

Hello Everyone,

I would like to welcome all new members to the Nine Swords and welcome back those who have been away.

Friday, October 4th. The Rapier Division would like to invite you to join us at the Tabula Rasa for an In-Character RP event.

It will start at 8:00 pm CST and last for about 3 hours. Everyone is welcome, so come and get to know your fellow Nine Swords members.

Sign up will be on the Calendar.

Hope to see you there,
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Re: RP Meet and greet for new members Fri. Oct. 4th

Post by Telluride »

I'll try to drop in but Friday night is date night, so.... =P
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Re: RP Meet and greet for new members Fri. Oct. 4th

Post by Katelin »

Did you all have fun?
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
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Re: RP Meet and greet for new members Fri. Oct. 4th

Post by Eoligos »

Nooooo! Why now! I couldn't join :(
We must plan for Tokyo. We must counter the enemy, for the enemy is showing its many faces. The game is most definitely afoot.
Graviora manent.
R. Sonnac
Elania Vikaernes
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Re: RP Meet and greet for new members Fri. Oct. 4th

Post by Elania Vikaernes »

Not to worry Eoligos, we are going to try and have these kind of things consistently, whether blood born, myself or someone else is organizing them, there will be plenty of opportunity to rub shoulders with your cabal mates IC :B
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