Raid Sunday 19:00 GMT

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Raid Sunday 19:00 GMT

Post by Claretta »

This is the signup for the raid this sunday, please post interest below. :)

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Re: Raid Sunday 19:00 GMT

Post by Katelin »

I am interested and so is Durendal :)
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
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Re: Raid Sunday 19:00 GMT

Post by GeldenBoy »

I am interested too - DPS :)
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Re: Raid Sunday 19:00 GMT

Post by kadyn »

I'll be there.
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Re: Raid Sunday 19:00 GMT

Post by Sh3 »

signing uo :)
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Re: Raid Sunday 19:00 GMT

Post by LuckyStrik3 »

Siging up. DPS
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Re: Raid Sunday 19:00 GMT

Post by Naite »

Naite and Elil signing in :-) (2xDPS, AR/Ele, Ele/Blood)

*edit* Going to have to unsign the two of us :( I signed up automatically without thinking but have realised we have a prior appointment at the same time. Sorry about this.
Last edited by Naite on Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Raid Sunday 19:00 GMT

Post by Deerhound »

I can be there as Leech or DPS, but it will be my first time and my gear is mostly dungeon drops that aren't better than 10.2.
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Re: Raid Sunday 19:00 GMT

Post by Riora »

Signing up as always!
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Re: Raid Sunday 19:00 GMT

Post by Torniquet »

Beware of Spoiler!   
I'm going to sign up for the raid

This is me signing up!
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