Lineage II Classic

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Lineage II Classic

Post by Maelina »

I almost cried of happiness when I heard that Lineage II is about to launch a Classic Server for those of us old timers who enjoyed this real MMORPG in which what the players do actually matter and change the game world :o

Every MMO nowadays claims to be "different", but Lineage II was really different, as it was a real MMORPG from back in the days, unlike all those over-easy single-player-set-in-a-multiplayer-environnement games that we have today...

Unfortunately, it has evolved over the years to everything I just said above, to appeal to the younger audience, but as more and more people got dissatisfied with it and were tired of playing WoW clones just set in different environements, they have now decided to re-launch the game on a Classic server just like it was before !

Just imagine :
- 5 different Races and 31 (31 !!) different Classes
- Different starting locations for each Race and different Racial Quests
- No instance whatsoever, only open game world concealing many dangers
- Real levelling where each level is its own achievement and accomplishment
- Open PvP world
- Player-driven economy
- And of course, iconic Clan Wars and Castle Sieges

And it still has awesome graphics (using the Unreal Engine), and the best art direction I've ever seen in any MMO.

So what are you waiting for ?
Just head over here and start playing a real MMORPG for real gamers :

See you in the world of Aden !!
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Re: Lineage II Classic

Post by Katelin »

Great to hear ur enjoying it.. but you really ought to be playing TSW latest update. It is fantastic!!!!
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Re: Lineage II Classic

Post by Maelina »

Oh I am, I am, don't worry, I'm not saying that TSW is bad and Lineage II is superior, TSW is and will stay my most favorite MMO ever, it's much more deep than any Korean grindfest in every possible way, but I like to taste a little bit of everything :D
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