NY Raid Wednesday 10 June 18:00 PDT

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NY Raid Wednesday 10 June 18:00 PDT

Post by Aberlour »

Please post interest for Raid below.

Sign-ups (First 13, team will be decided later)
  1. Aberlour
  2. Fig (Any)
  3. Endo (DPS)
  4. HoodMK2 (DPS)
  5. Shock (Leech)
  6. Prosper (Any DPS)
  7. Drenneth (DPS, Buff DPS)
  8. Avere (DPS)
  9. LAL (Any)
  10. Reg (DPS)
  11. Diani (Any DPS)
  12. Image
How-to on Signing Up

Raid Policy (how points are awarded, how looting works etc)
Accumulated Points List

NY Raid Guide
Quick Guide on the possible loot drops
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Re: NY Raid Wednesday 10 June 18:00 PDT

Post by fig »

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Re: NY Raid Wednesday 10 June 18:00 PDT

Post by boscot »

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Re: NY Raid Wednesday 10 June 18:00 PDT

Post by Burton1305 »

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Re: NY Raid Wednesday 10 June 18:00 PDT

Post by Trommari »

^18.00.h pdt, that's 01.00 am my time. I should be awake still.
Single target SF dps

If im not there, then my face is stuck to my keyboard :P

There is one little clausule i would like to add, for myself : if the group wipes three times in a row and in those three times i missed the fist, everytime (so im dead), i will bow out and make room for someone more suitable. Does this sound fair enough?
Shock G
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Re: NY Raid Wednesday 10 June 18:00 PDT

Post by Shock G »

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Re: NY Raid Wednesday 10 June 18:00 PDT

Post by Prosper01 »

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Re: NY Raid Wednesday 10 June 18:00 PDT

Post by Drenneth »

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Re: NY Raid Wednesday 10 June 18:00 PDT

Post by avere »

Dps, adds dps, idc something dps.
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Re: NY Raid Wednesday 10 June 18:00 PDT

Post by Aberlour »

Trommari wrote:There is one little clausule i would like to add, for myself : if the group wipes three times in a row and in those three times i missed the fist, everytime (so im dead), i will bow out and make room for someone more suitable. Does this sound fair enough?
Nope. If we wipe three times, and you die to the fist three times, you stay, no worries. And instead of standing off to the side in the first phase with all the other DPS, stand behind the tanks with all the lazy DPS who like to make it easy to avoid fists. If you stand on the grate by the tanks, if you die to a fist it pretty much means you crashed, or you super derped and ran into the fist instead of out of it. The middle gives you so much leeway with avoiding it. Everyone should stand there.

Now, if you die to fists in the 3rd phase, oh well. It happens.
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