Elite scenario's, 20th June, 15.00.h GMT

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Elite scenario's, 20th June, 15.00.h GMT

Post by Trommari »

Elite scenario's, we wil start with group elite's, if there's time and will, we can do the duo's as well.
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Re: Elite scenario's, 20th June, 15.00.h GMT

Post by frogsley »

Signing and bumping, as I can make this now. Always fun.
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Re: Elite scenario's, 20th June, 15.00.h GMT

Post by Floryn »

Signing up!
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Re: Elite scenario's, 20th June, 15.00.h GMT

Post by Gebbeth »

Planning on it, but Saturdays can pull me right out of the game - if I'm available and there's still a space, I'd like to join in! :)
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Re: Elite scenario's, 20th June, 15.00.h GMT

Post by Drenneth »

If you see I'm logged in Ill likely be able to join if not in the middle of something. Id be up for nm scenarios to if anyone has an interest in doing them
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Re: Elite scenario's, 20th June, 15.00.h GMT

Post by Antanahe »

I should be able to join. Give me a shout when it begins.
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