Saturday Hatterday Group Scenarios - 17.30 GMT, Sat 1st Aug

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Saturday Hatterday Group Scenarios - 17.30 GMT, Sat 1st Aug

Post by frogsley »

Hello all!

Sign up for some low stress high reward group elite scenarios this weekend. You don't need to have done them before, but you DO need to wear a hat. No exceptions. I won't have it.

1. Frogsley
2. Abelour
3. Shock G
4. Floryn
5. Risuka

Full round of Group Elites will take 1.5 hours approx. Hope you can make it.

-note almost enough other people signing to make another full group, so maybe we can get two groups going.
Last edited by frogsley on Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Saturday Hatterday Group Scenarios - 17.30 GMT, Sat 1st

Post by Aberlour »

I should be able to make this.
Shock G
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Re: Saturday Hatterday Group Scenarios - 17.30 GMT, Sat 1st

Post by Shock G »

Sure. I hope I can tell time.
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Re: Saturday Hatterday Group Scenarios - 17.30 GMT, Sat 1st

Post by Aberlour »

Shock G wrote:Sure. I hope I can tell time.
Set your timezone on the fourms? It's at 10:30 a.m. for me, so 1:30 p.m. for you.
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Re: Saturday Hatterday Group Scenarios - 17.30 GMT, Sat 1st

Post by Floryn »

Count me in!
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Re: Saturday Hatterday Group Scenarios - 17.30 GMT, Sat 1st

Post by Marlolini »

i'm up for this, will join on risuka since i prolly will have lockout on marlo
Shock G
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Re: Saturday Hatterday Group Scenarios - 17.30 GMT, Sat 1st

Post by Shock G »

Aberlour wrote:Set your timezone on the fourms?
It is.
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Re: Saturday Hatterday Group Scenarios - 17.30 GMT, Sat 1st

Post by Aberlour »

I figured it was. Especially considering you don't no-show to events.

That's just my standard response when people say stuff like that. ;)
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Re: Saturday Hatterday Group Scenarios - 17.30 GMT, Sat 1st

Post by Gebbeth »

I would like to join you, but I may not be able to get on until later in the day.
Sounds like you have a full team anyway, but If I am in-game I will check in with you! :)
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Re: Saturday Hatterday Group Scenarios - 17.30 GMT, Sat 1st

Post by Rikunda »

That sounds like a lovely party. If it had been later, I would so join. We should all have a hat group or specific theme runs more often! Come "Stereotypical British", and don't forget the crumpet!
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