Nine Swords and the Eight-Headed Serpent (Sat. Afternoon RP, recurring)

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Nine Swords and the Eight-Headed Serpent (Sat. Afternoon RP, recurring)

Post by Hit-Parade »

Update: Nine Swords and the Eight-Headed Serpent replaces Cryptozoology in the Secret World as the Saturday afternoon RP event. Saturday Afternoon RP takes place from 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. PST (adjust for DST).


The British Museum of the Occult is proud to present the newest Lecture Series: Cryptozoology in the Secret World!

As active participants in secret world affairs, the Museum's patrons are no strangers to the wondrous and monstrous fauna that many consider to be mere myth. They also recognize that knowledge about these creatures is the best defense against them. Consequently, the Museum is sponsoring a cooperative lecture and cooperative-conference series, combined with organized field expeditions.

It is our hope that this new Lecture Series will enable our patrons to continue to survive and thrive in the secret world, and to return with hard-earned knowledge to share with us!


This Saturday's inaugural session shall centre upon the dread (and dank) draug of Solomon Island! Museum members may bring one guest for no charge. Non-members may attend, for a deposit fee of 100 PAX.

Cryptozoology in the Secret World will be moderated by staff cryptozoologist T. Albertus Spinrad, Ph. D. Each session will consist of a field expedition to the area best known as the specific fauna's home territory, followed by a debriefing/moderated discussion at the Museum. A light luncheon will be provided during each debriefing.

Oxford University's Occult Studies department recognizes participation in this lecture series to count for credit in all of its degree programs.

* * * *

((OOC notes: This thread is intended to be used for general information, as well as a signup sheet and voting list for "fauna selected to be studied."

The launch date is still being determined (tentatively planned for late February), as well as the timeframe; when it has been decided, the event will be added to the calendar. At present it is intended to supercede Loose Threads Tangling as the cabal-centered RP event. As such, non-9S RPers are welcome, but considering the cabal-centric intent, either Templars or characters who are not hostile towards the Templars are recommended.

Looking forward to your questions, and hope to see you there!))
Last edited by Hit-Parade on Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Saturday Afternoon RP: Loose Threads Tangling

Post by Yuriksha »

I'm afraid that, unless I've messed up my forum time setting again, the calendar time isn't displaying properly. From the body text this is 12-2 PST, but the calendar item seems to be showing... 11-1 (1 pm to 3 pm my time).

EDIT: Now that I know why SARP isn't happening today, cut back to just the question about the time.
2nd EDIT: Since this is going to be a rocky month, I wonder if there's some way to take this off the calendar until things stabilize again.
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Re: Cryptozoolgy in the Secret World (Museum RP, recurring)

Post by Hit-Parade »

Just to remind interested folks: SARP in the museum (my instance), 12-2 pm PST (DST) Saturday! Be there or be plagued with Draug! :D
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Re: Cryptozoolgy in the Secret World (Museum RP, recurring)

Post by Yuriksha »

What monster are we after this week, March 25th?
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Re: Cryptozoolgy in the Secret World (Museum RP, recurring)

Post by Hit-Parade »

Reminder: Cryptozoology in the Secret World, Saturday, 12 pm Pacific time! Meet up with Yuri, Lynn, and Laurell at the Wabanaki Trailer Park to continue hunting draug and lore!
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Re: Cryptozoolgy in the Secret World (Museum RP, recurring)

Post by Hit-Parade »

Reminder about May 13, Saturday Afternoon RP!

Events in the Museum are heating up, with Yuri, Lynette, and Laurell having uncovered a frightening possibility on Solomon Island! a look at some of what you missed last session... ;)
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Re: Cryptozoolgy in the Secret World (Museum RP, recurring)

Post by Hit-Parade »

More explorations around Solomon Island, where a new (and old) threat rears its head! Check out what Yuri and Lynette have uncovered (and join them next time!).

[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "So that's what those 'revenant' weapons look like. Intersting."
[*Yuriksha]: "Good to see our readings from a couple months ago being confirmed consistently."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I'm sure the Museum will be pleased."
Margin-Call looks around warily. "Something about the area seems a litlte different, since the last time we were here."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette looks around warily. "Something about the area seems a litlte different, since the last time we were here."
[*Yuriksha]: "Midnight in Fletcher Bay. What a view huh."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Nice view. Pity the scenery isn't better."
[*Yuriksha]: "Wow. There's a community yard sale that didn't get anywhere. Look at all this stuff."
[*Yuriksha]: "What you got there?"
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette nods, and smirks. "Hey, look, it's the complete MASH novel collection... oh, hey..." She holds up a book. "'Voodoo Magic Made Practical'."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Hmm, let's see... hey, some of this was actually covered in training at the Hall."
[*Yuriksha]: *blinkblink* Toilets?
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "...I don't want to know..."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "This is a half-decent living room set."
Margin-Call pockets one of the clocks.
[*Yuriksha]: "Very odd for a yard sale."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Pumpkin seeds..."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Reminds me a bit of college..."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Well, that powder did... something. The boys in research will want to see that."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yeah, let's double back."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Property of Danny Dufresne... dunno who the girl on his lock screen is. Maybe his girlfriend."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "It's a little weird how time just seems to stand still, almost, in this town."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "These cats are probably the smartest people in town."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She rolls her eyes. "I suppose the neighborly thing to to do is check on the Reverend, see if he needs a hand."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Well, welcome back. I could use some help..."
[#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri nods sagaciously while trying to keep a straight face to Pachelbel.
[#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "We are always ready to lend a hand to an enlightened brother."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And what's that, reverend?"
"Those dratted zombies are straining the protective wards. I'm not very good at repairing those. "
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Very kind of you." He pats at his forehead with a hankerchief. "Considering what's going on, I think I can share some information with you when you're done, in return."
[13:35] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Information about what?" Lynette asks bluntly
[13:35] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "We will be very glad to receive what you have to offer, when you're ready to offer it."
[13:36] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: He pats at his forehead again. "Information about the monsters on the shoreline. There was an Orochi scientist who visited the church a few days ago, seemed to be having a crisis of conscience. He shared some things."
[13:37] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Now that is a rare sighting. Very interesting."
[13:37] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I look forward to your return, then."
[13:38] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "The wards are intact... I see what he means about them weakening, though."
[13:38] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Basic design. Good."
[13:39] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Doubled here. Interesting."
[13:39] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "These are more intricate. Wonder why."
[13:39] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "And rotated 45 degrees. A significant number."
[13:40] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Proximity to the cemetery?"
[13:40] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Push off, you lot."
[13:40] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Well, I think we saw enough to reproduce it..."
[13:41] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "A spectre? Thats... unlikely. They never manifest far from their wretched... Or is that a wraith?"
[13:42] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I've never been clear on the distinction."
[13:45] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Dearly beloved, if you will all get back in your graves for the moment this will all go a lot more smoothly."
[13:45] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette laughs, a little wildly, as if she hasn't heard anything genuinely humorous for days
[13:46] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Things haven't been the same since the Carpathians. Those things seem to follow me everywhere now."
7] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "The dead?"
[13:48] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "The birds. And..." She waves a hand vaguely, but in a sweeping, chopping, blade-ish motion.
[13:49] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Ahh." Lynette nods in comprehension.
[13:49] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: The Reverend sets down his Bible and his Colt Anaconda as he sees them approach. "Thank you both. I can already feel the spiritual energy around the church strengthening."
[13:51] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri nods beneficently.
[13:51] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We're happy to help, Reverend," Lynette says, trying to not sound impatient. "Now, about this information?"
[13:53] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Well, as I said, it happened a few days ago. I remember it because he actually arrived in a car. I thought the main bridge was blocked. Not that there isn't another route, but it's roundabout, and those back roads are supposedly full of monsters."
[13:54] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "A corporate contingent controls the Dunwich bridge, but unless he somehow defected from them... Or are we talking about another bridge?"
[13:55] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I mean the bridge just outside, that crosses over past the skate park. When Christopher made his way here, he mentioned that there was a large pileup there."
[13:57] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Ahh, the Solomon bridge. Odd how all the pileups seems to be just on the bridges and nowhere else."
[13:57] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Almost like someone planned it that way," Lynette says darkly.
[13:59] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "It does almost seem that way, hmm?" the Reverend agrees. "Anyway, he was very guilt-stricken. Seemed to have something weighing on his conscience. I suggested he talk about it, share the burden." He smiles thinly. "Some sacramental gin may have helped."
[13:59] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I didn't realize there was such a thing," Lynette says in a dust-dry tone.
[14:00] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Hmm, not the pure fruit of the vine, the blood, so to speak. But then I don't know much about liquor."
[14:01] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Perhaps it is turned into wine on the way to final transubstantiation."
[14:02] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Oh, but this is not a Catholic church. Sorry, I don't know much about Congregational theology either."
[14:03] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Most don't," he says easily. "What he told me, I had to take a few more shots myself. This fellow -- he said to call him 'Bob' -- was part of the group at the Dunwich bridge, but he didn't directly report to them. He said he was part of a special Vali 'biological examination group.' Taking genetic samples of nonhuman creatures. for one thing."
[14:03] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I don't like the sound of this," Lynette says flatly.
[14:04] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Vali. The name has lately been causing disturbance further afield. Agreed," She nods to Lynette.
[14:04] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I don't blame you." He shakes his head, and reaches behind the lectern, pulling out the aforementioned bottle of "sacramental gin." He offers a nip to each woman.
[14:05] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette looks tempted, but waves it off.
[14:05] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Thank you for your kind offer, though I must regretfully decline.
[14:06] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Although," pulling out her Thermos, "We need not forego the drinking altogether."
[14:06] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Your soul is stronger than mine, I suspect." He splashes a generous helping into one of the sacramental cups on the altar, and takes a long drink.
[14:06] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Ah, how kind of you. Now, where was I..."
[14:07] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Orochi taking genetic samples."
[14:08] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Right, right. Bob was talking about the things his team had been doing since arriving on the island. He was trying to be oblique, but it was simple enough to see between the lines. Draug genetic samples, and humans. Mostly Orochi troops who had been injured and were near death, but some..." he swallows before continuing. "Some residents of the island."
[14:10] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I think I will take that drink."
[14:12] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: The Reverend pours her some of the gin, and she drinks deeply. It bites going down.
[14:14] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri bites down on the silicone guard over her straw and takes a sip.
[14:15] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "It seemed fairly clear to me," he repeats, his voice a little hollow. "What his team was doing... it didn't sound like they were at the bridge. But there are other Orochi camps around the island."
[14:15] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri nods ominously.
[14:17] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I am hardly initiated. I can only imagine what the two of you have seen, have... done. But I would hope that you find this thought as abhorrent as I."
[14:17] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Yes, we do."
[14:18] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Damned right," Lynette says, clenching her fists, sparks and licks of flame starting to flicker around her knuckles
[14:19] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Just that we are starting to see it, unfortunately, conform to a pattern."
14:19] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Really?" Despite himself, he seems interested. "How s -- ah, may I ask?"
[14:19] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I think it's better you don't know," Lynette says flatly
[14:20] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri nods even more ominously.
[14:21] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "They cannot evade Justice forever. Retribution will come to them by and by."
[14:21] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Then... you can take this to your superiors? See that retribution meets these people?"
[14:22] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We'll do that." Lynette's voice has become quiet and overcontrolled, a sign (to those who know her) of true anger
[14:23] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Good." He himself nods at her, as if he is picking up on the truth of her reaction.
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Re: Cryptozoolgy in the Secret World (Museum RP, recurring)

Post by Reviled »

I wasn't aware these were still happening, as they're not listed on the Event calendar. Still every Saturday?

I may have to check in on these!
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Re: Cryptozoolgy in the Secret World (Museum RP, recurring)

Post by Yuriksha »

Yes, every Saturday at 1200 PDT/1500 EDT/1900 UTC.

Also, thanks HP for putting up the log. I have now copied over the auto-login script to ensure further stretches of one-sided conversation do not occur with me :D
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Re: Cryptozoolgy in the Secret World (Museum RP, recurring)

Post by Hit-Parade »

Always happy to! Right now, our RP mostly takes place in KM, since my GMPC (Lynette "Margin-Call" Pierce) is still stuck there. And, as Yuri noted above, the timeframe is 1200-1400 PDT.

Here is the cleaned-up (i.e., spell-checked and stripped of OOC chatter) log from 7/22's session:

[12:13] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette sheathes her sword, and smiles wanly at Yuri. She digs a granola bar out of her coat, offering it. "Breakfast?"
[12:13] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Yes, I do need some. "
[12:14] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I've heard about people making anima-powered portable Keurigs. I think I'll try to find one of those."
[12:14] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "What we really need are refrigerated pockets."
[12:15] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette smirks. "Talk to me when I have better control over elementalism."
[12:16] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: She pulls out a wadding of insulative foam and unwraps a boiled egg, then proceeds to tap on it with a spoon. "Much easier to peel cold."
[12:17] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "But I'll try anyway." Yuri rolls it vigorously in her hands.
[12:18] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Bits of shell go all over the place.
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette nibbles at some beef jerky. "Okay. The Rev said that he didn't think the guy was from the group at the Dunwich bridge. So Blake and Radcliffe probably don't know anything. Hmm... what's that leave?"
[12:30] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "The reports of black vehicles around the airport."
[12:31] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "The airport, that's right. The Rev also mentioned the bridge near the skate park. Doesn't that conspiracy theorist kid hang on there? He seems to know a thing or two."
[12:39] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Laurell! Thank you for coming out. We'd better bring you up to speed."
[12:39] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Hello hello. Yes, please do."
[12:40] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "In the circular turn of events, we have brought supplies to town, verified previous findings in Fletcher Bay, erm..."
[12:41] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And the reverend told us some disturbing news. Not really, ah, surprising, but still disturbing."
[12:39] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Laurell! Thank you for coming out. We'd better bring you up to speed."
[12:39] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Hello hello. Yes, please do."
[12:40] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "In the circular turn of events, we have brought supplies to town, verified previous findings in Fletcher Bay, erm..."
[12:41] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And the reverend told us some disturbing news. Not really, ah, surprising, but still disturbing."
[12:42] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Ok, what kind of news?"
[12:43] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette looks to Yuri, as if asking if she wants to tell her.
[12:43] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Something about an Orochi researcher confessing they knew all about, erm, 'infection'. Or 'carriers.'"
[12:44] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: *whispering* "We might want to take this discussion outside, where only the moaning groaning can hear us."
[12:45] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Apparently this researcher guy had an attack of conscience, and spilled his guts about something else Orochi's doing here, too."
[12:45] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "So Orochi has known about the filth for some time then?"
[12:46] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Most likely. Given some of the rumors I've heard about the higher-ups."
[12:46] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Way back. And they know how widespread it is, and that it can be asymptomatic and gradual with the right vectors."
[12:47] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She nods in agreement with Yuri. "We've all heard about Klein and his weird theories about Filth immunity or control. It's not surprising Orochi's thinking along lines that aren't so far removed."
[12:48] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: One of the townspeople passes by, giving them an odd looking. Or maybe he's just ogling the three attractive women. Hard to say.
[12:49] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Do you know what they are here for then? Tests? Harvesting of it or something?"
[12:50] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "The Reverend was a little short on specifics, I'm afraid."
[12:51] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yeah. He did say something about draug cadavers, though..."
[12:54] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette does likewise, but also nods, her face grim. "Probably also walking wounded from their own forces."
[12:55] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Somewhat more symptomatic."
[12:55] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Damn."
[12:56] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Are everybody here infected then?"
[12:56] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yes. Well, probably. It's possible the Wabanaki have magical protections."
[12:56] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "'The answer my friend, is blowing on the wind. The answer is blowing on the wind." She looks away to the horizon, to the fog.
[12:57] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette follows her eyes, jaw set.
[12:58] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "What about the draug? Does it infect them too?"
[12:58] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I'm not really sure. They don't really seem hampered by it. That could mean anything."
[13:00] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Like the HMHVV we can posit there are multiple strains and transmission vectors."
[13:00] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Right. And with them it's hard to tell the difference anyway."
[13:00] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "The rev said the researcher said he was separate from the group at the Dunwich bridge. For what that's worth."
[13:00] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette hesitates, then says softly, "Do you think there's a strain that affects Bees?"
[13:01] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Geez, what would we become? Like, liches or something."
[13:02] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I seriously hope I'm taking out of my ass right now."
[13:02] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "We'd probably rant incessantly about 'true power' and all that crap."
[13:03] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "We know it harms us. But does it... corrupt, I suppose... yeah, I dont know."
[13:03] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "So instead of having tentacles, we'd be pretentious assholes?"
[13:04] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "We dont need filth for that."
[13:04] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Tentacles would be regarded as a desirable decorative feature. Also bonus sensory organs."
[13:04] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette laughs.
[13:05] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "A bunch of 'Kleins on steroids', since I can't think of a better term."
[13:06] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Ugghhh... One is more than enough."
[13:06] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "No verds, no verds," Lynette mutters.
[13:07] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We'd better get going, if we want to get some scouting done."
[13:07] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Where are we heading?"
[13:07] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "So yeah, if you're up to talking to Dufresne, I'd say that's likely a good contact point."
[13:07] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I think we ought to start with that skater kid, Danny. He's pretty observant about comings and goings, even if he thinks he's in a superhero comic."
[13:08] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "...and he's probably right."
[13:08] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Pow! Zot! Foom!"
[13:11] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "I didn't think this place would have that much cars to block bridges."
[13:11] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Hey there!" Danny grins and tries to slick back his hair, doing his best to look cool and suave, and failing miserably
[13:11] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Neither did I. The way they appeared overnight a few weeks ago disturbed me too. Like they were placed there."
[13:12] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Hi!'
[13:12] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Oh good, I wasn't the only one who noticed that," Lynette murmurs
[13:12] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Hello."
[13:13] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She smiles at Danny, trying not to find the act awkwardly endearing. "Hello, Danny. We'd like your help with something."
[13:14] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Oh, well, sure. What can I do for you? I'm really best with information, though, don't really have you guys' kick-ass powers."
[13:14] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri smiles. "Information is right on what we need."
[13:15] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: ((Unless you're willing to wait for me to run a quick side mission))
[13:15] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Oh, okay! Sure, I know pretty much everything that's going on in this town. People tell me everything."
[13:20] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "So we heard tell of a black van going AWOL into town the other night. Did you happen to see it pass here?"
[13:23] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yeah! I saw that, but not through that bridge. A guy drove up to the wrecks, and then turned back around and drove away. I watched as far as I could with my binoculars; he drove up to the fork, and turned right. I think he was going for the bridge on the other side of the ridge." He shakes his head. "It struck me as weird."
[13:24] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Weird, how?" Lynette asks
[13:24] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Just... weird. You don't think of things like traffic jams tripping Men In Black up."
[13:25] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "No, they should be able to go just about anywhere, pass locked doors, flash things in your eyes to make you forget."
[13:26] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yeah! That's exactly right, like in the Black Watchman comic!" He points excitedly at Yuri. "You get it, you're wearing the limited edition hoodie."
[13:26] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "So he went down to Kingsbridge, hmm..."
[13:27] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Too right!"
[13:27] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Never saw that van again. Don't know what that means, but..." He shrugs.
[13:28] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Still can't wait for my Network Intelligence and Technical Evaluation Team hoodie that I bought during the charity drive a couple months back."
[13:28] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Is Kingsbridge blocked the same way?"
[13:29] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I think it should be clear... did you happen to see what direction it came from before it got to this bridge?"
[13:29] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I... don't really know," Danny admits. "I don't venture far out of here if I can help it." He pats the 12-gauge on the table. "Don't have a lot of shells for this."
[13:29] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: He points back up the road, towards the Dunwich bridge. "From that direction. I didn't really look until I heard the engine."
[13:31] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Hmm. The Dunwich bridge quarantine line... I wonder if there's some way we can get a better *overall* picture of what's going on up that way."
[13:32] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Danny just grins. "Maybe we can." He gestures to a beat-up-looking RC plane, with a digital camera strapped to it.
[13:32] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "The bird's eye view, so to speak."
[13:32] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yeah!" he entuses
[13:33] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Problem is, when it starts getting over near the airport, it keeps crashing. The last time, I barely got back here in one piece."
[13:33] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Hmm, some sort of physical intrusion countermeasures? Control-frequency jamming?"
[13:34] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "That doesn't sound like a coincidence," Lynette says darkly.
[13:34] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Something! All I know is, one minute Carter's flying along smooth as silk, and the next -- boom! Right into the dirt."
[13:36] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "'Carter?'" she repeats, arching one eyebrow.
[13:36] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Um, yeah. The plane. I like the name."
[13:36] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Perhaps if we try it again and keep a close eye on it, all of us, we can figure out what's causing the problem."
[13:36] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Sure, we can try that."
[13:37] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Aww, right outside the runway again."
[13:38] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Lot of pretty blue lights down there."
[13:38] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Okay, let's go pick it up."
[13:51] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Oh yes. This is definitely something."
[13:53] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Why dont we take a quick look at the bridge, also?"
[13:54] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri crawls belly down out on the rocks and looks through the binoculars.
[13:54] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Hmm, even without binoculars it's clear Kingsbridge is also mysteriously now a smoking junkyard."
[13:54] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "That only leaves Langmore bridge, or fording without use of a gasoline engine."
[13:55] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Do you think he tried crossing on foot?
[13:55] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Yeah, the way to the airport is also blocked."
[13:55] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "A motorcycle could do it easily."
[13:56] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I wonder if he's still alive."
[13:56] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yeah, a bike could probably squeeze through."
[13:56] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "If it was a van he was probably transporting something here."
[13:56] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Or he was meant to take something away."
[13:57] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Maybe he really is a MIB. The frustration of his vehicle being unable to phase through other matter is just a ruse." Yuri smirks with deadpan frustration.
[13:57] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette barks a sharp laugh. "I want that car, then."
[13:57] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I'm sure the Langmore Bridge is open. If it's capable of handling 2 tons."
[13:58] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Was that the covered bridge?"
[13:58] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Yes."
[13:58] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Let's return to Danny, and then take a look at the Langmore."
01] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Confirmed. I don't know how much analytic capability they have on hand but looks otherwise like a complete forward base."
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