Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Fez »

Hello Kezi, it's good to have you and your boyfriend here. :)

I was also a LotRo player. I've been a lifer from launch, but have recently stopped playing as the game went off in a different direction since it went F2P. It's nice to hear you guys met each other there :D
Your interests in certain things (and lack of interest in other things :P) match mine very closely!

Hope to see you around and best of luck in the application you two!
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Sparrow »

*peers in*
Hallo there, Sparrow here though it seems most end up calling me "Trilla".
Oh the googles? Sorry *pushes them up to rest on top of her head* I noticed an awful lot of these...things we keep running into are a bit... juicy? *grimaces* So it seemed prudent to go to work with sturdy eyewear in place.


*grins* Anyway hi! (I'm so rusty with my rp, it'll get better) As I mentioned my character in game is Sparrow "Trilla" Greyford. I've played a bunch of mmos, WoW being the longest, and I've been having a grand time in TSW so far but it's starting to get a bit lonesome so I thought I'd find a community to be a part of and 9S caught my eye.

I look forward to getting to know everyone, feel free to ask me questions!
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Weeks »

Hey guys - Weeks here, but in the real world I go by Mike. Like others on here, I got my MMO gaming started by playing FFXI. In retrospect that may not have been the best game to introduce oneself to the genre. Remember losing exp when you died? Remember de-leveling sometimes too? Hey remember that one time you de-leveled and then couldn't equip any of your armor and had to run back to your house naked to see what old gear you could scrounge up to level back up? Good times. LOL.

I never got into WoW, mainly because everybody told me I had to. I dove into LoTRO around 2008, mainly because I got involved with a great bunch of guys a kin. During it's subscription heydey, I thought that game was a great mix of mature players, great content and classic MMO gameplay. As others have mentioned, I too became disenchanted with the game about a year after the F2P conversion. It was done well at first, but it is slowly but surely morphing into a game where you pay to advance.

I remember hearing about The Secret World when I read an article about MMO's that will "soon set the genre on it's head". I liked the idea of no jobs, so made a promise to myself to check it out when it was released. I'm glad I did. I've never played anything quite like it. A definite leap forward for MMO's everywhere. If Funcom can deliver on their promise to give us monthly content this could really end up being something special.

When I'm not gaming I'm a mild mannered CPA who enjoy playing heavy metal guitar. Yes, I just said that. I also collect vinyl records and read science fiction.

Hope to get to know you all a bit better in game.
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Firearc »

Hey weeks great to meet you !
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Loribee »

hi everyone!!

Like others, I've only recently started to check out 9S .. i've been playing (and loving) TSW for a while now. I was lucky enough to be on closed beta, where i was able to get a feel for the game and to also figure out stuff works .. still a work in progress but i am getting there.

I used to play FFXI back in the day (Ahh Mike seeing your post about exp loss on death brings back some (no so) great memories

Never bought into the whole WOW thing (but I love watching the Guild)

The thing that I really love about TSW is the whole modern day myths and legends thing .. i described it to someone as imagine the show "supernatural" ... but in a video game

I love the way they've taken urban legends and put them into a game. genious

i would describe myself in three words


I am so looking forward to getting to grips with the game proper now it's live and enjoying it with like minded others

see you all out there

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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Q-in »

Let's see...

I enjoy long walks on the beach... LOL anyway!!!

I am a nurse practitioner and professor. I have found that mmo gaming really takes away the stress of the real world. My wife also likes that I am a gamer as she says it, "keeps me home", whatever that means...

I started with UO back when graphics seemed to be programmed in basic!!! I jumped to EQ1 and 2 and WoW mainly for years and years. I ran a guild in WoW on the Pernolde server called Tainted. In EQ2 I was an officer in Eternal Destiny where they named a new cult after me, LOL, I tell you the truth. It's called Kewintology... I even have a tee-shirt and beer stein they designed for me!!

In my spare time I am a father of 2 and a husband of 1. I am a huge Dragonlance fan having read all 140 plus books multiple times and am saddened that the series seems to be over. I watch Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, and True Blood, along with Monday night Raw. Finally, I've been to 61 Dave Matthews concerts to date!!!
Kewintology exists in us all...

Kewin - Templars - TSW
Kewin - Cleric - Rift
Kewin - Sage - SWTOR
Kewin - Templar - EQ2
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Cinderess »

Greetings old friends, and some new!

In the weirdest sense of weirdness, I've found my way here THRICE in 2 days, to this site. I think once was trough some post on the ROTLO forums, and the second trough Uragon on the OP forums, and then I loaded up and patched TSW today, and went looking for a streamer to listen to, and look, three is Jaque streaming.

What makes this even more weird, is that I suspect that Kate = Uk, and Uragon is well, Uragon.. Which I find funny :) I am Equimon / Wildcardz / Gunpriest, but most would know me as Equimon, former Director of Omni-Pol. Nice too see ya'll here I guess :) I'm currently playing in the f2p weekend they got going at the moment, and I'll probably be picking it up eventually. Just thought I'd say hi, and such, as I'd be aiming to come to 9S, if I do come :) I like people. And well, I like social people! So hi there!

Ingame nick is Cinderess and the amount of work that went into getting a simple nick was mindboggling. I tried to go female first, all nicks failed, tried to go for my male nicks, no go, and tried some females again, and eventually ended up on Cinderess. Hate when it takes so long. Might roll another char tomorrow, but we'll see. Kinda attached to Cinderess now after struggling with nicknames for an hour :)

So how you guys doing?

Equimon / Cinderess
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Uragon »

That truly makes for some great coincidences. And yes, we do have our fair share of Omni-Pol and other AO players around here, including two former org leaders of OP. Nicks can be a bit tricky indeed as they're not only server specific but global. Plus most good nicknames were already gone by launch day, as they had a reservation scheme going for preorder customers too. Glad you settled for one you liked though.

What we're doing... well, this weekend I dare guess that most of us are pretty busy missioning for the free shirt, as the true objective of TSW seems to be about collecting any and all of the clothes that are available. :) Generally you'll find us at least try to do anything in the game though, with specialized divisions that focus on each of the areas we could think of. Feel free to check out our directives available in the 9S Central of the left hand navigation for lots of detail on this! Looking forward to seeing you nigame!
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Katelin »

Whats even more a cooincidence, Eq - is that Wisey has a name really so close to yours "Cineres" -- I had to look twice :D

Great to see you, definitely look us up if you end up thinking of staying with TSW!!

Kate (aka Ukblizzard :D )
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Cinderess »

Hehe, that is funny indeed :) I'm around this weekend atleast, either playing on Equi (ranged) or Cinderess (melee) :)
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