What does your character name/s mean to you?

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Re: What does your character name/s mean to you?

Post by Fall »

Huh, so far I simply get teleported back the the entrance from the main cities, and I've jumped off a lot of parts of Agartha looking for the lore.
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Re: What does your character name/s mean to you?

Post by Loribee »

Maybe they changed it from the closed beta. I don't remember now. I'm almost tempted to log back in and try it out. :)

There's lore there? I never even thought of looking for it there actually.

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Re: What does your character name/s mean to you?

Post by Kotts »

Kotts is a name that the DAoC random name generator gave me back in 02. I was rolling my 4th toon after playing A ranger, Bard, and Champion (all Celts).
The first incarnation of Kotts was a Celt Animist. I was ranked in the top ten of my server for realm points earned, and 'I remain standing' (Kills divided by deaths). I earned a reputation in the lower level BGs all the way up to the big boy lands for holding off armies with sparse manpower and fields of level 5 mushrooms.
The next Kotts was an archer in Horizons... I don't remember the name of the race but it was a man-cat thing. I didn't stay long.
Then Kotts became a Taru-Taru thief in FFXI for a few months.
A scrapper in CoH.
A Twilek Polearm/fencer in SWG. Bodyguard, security and Rebel Merc for hire.
WoW I tried every class at release and couldn't stay with my guild's leveling speed, or find a class I was happy with. Eventually I came back and stuck with a human polearm warrior named Kotts (and quit again).
Then I came into AO and rolled an Opifex Fixer named Kotts. For the next seven years I held an open account, taking breaks but never quitting AO.
I used Kotts (I don't remember the last name :/ ) for a Ranger/Mesmer interrupt/DoTer in GW. Mostly because I hated PVP in AO. It was very heavily items based, so much that the fight was over in less then a second if you were ill equipped, and if you were twinked proper there never was a challenge.
The name Kotts popped up again in AoC as a Crimean Guardian sword and board. I spent a lot of time griefing griefers in beta with Xeeyon, but was a sad panda when my guild decided to roll on a PVE server. Yes there were mini games but.... not as fun (GW to the rescue again!)
I played a few other games, but I don't think I used Kotts at all since.
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Re: What does your character name/s mean to you?

Post by Hebdomas »

Hebdomas is Latin meaning: the number seven, a week; seven days, the seventh day, and (this one is really rare and supposedly considered archaic even by Latin standards) the seventh day of disease. I thought that sounded awesome, plus seven is one of my favorite numbers and I'm a Nurgle player in 40k, it just fit nicely.
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Re: What does your character name/s mean to you?

Post by Beaubelle »

This character name for once..has no meaning... beyond this that an old woman called me this way, in a past long gone *grin*. I hope what she called me once has become now true for the inner me, or at least that I'm on my way building it.

Used to take a lot of Eastern names, like:

Nayika: The eight nayikas represent eight different states (avastha) in relationship to her hero or nayaka. Nayika Siddhi is the magical power (siddhi)) of evoking to visible and sensible appearance the forms of alluring women, and, by their means, of gaining control over their human counterparts. And some darker meanings also :P

Kadru: is usually the daughter of Daksha, wife of Kashyapa, and the mother of the Nagas (the ancestral mother of snakes)

Sanshi: three worms, called Sanshi, live in everyone's body. The Sanshi keep track of the good deeds and particularly the bad deeds of the person they inhabit. On the night called Kōshin-Machi (which happens each 60 days), while the person sleeps, the sanshis leave the body and go to Ten-Tei, the Heavenly god, to report about the deeds of that person. Ten-Tei will then decide to punish bad people making them ill, shortening their time alive and in extreme cases putting an end to their lives. Believers of Kōshin will try to live a life without bad deeds, but those who have reason to fear will try to stay awake during Kōshin nights, as the only way to prevent the Sanshi from leaving the body and reporting to Ten-Tei.

Sandhi: Physiological power-zones and points of tumescence indicated on the Shri Chakra wherever two lines crosse eachother.

I have something with eastern things, also our daughter is called 'Siva (pronounced Shiwa), I chose it for its meaning. 'Siva is spirit, the One who destroys old things to allow new things to emerge. Om namah 'Sivayah!

Many, many years ago I was also Lady Lolalot, because I LOL'd alot *grin*, certainly when I made the enemy kiss the floor with my red saberstance! Good old days those were!

Oh, and Anouk, an RP char in AO, also just a name, but loved the char!
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Re: What does your character name/s mean to you?

Post by Arcadius »

Arcadius, to me at least, references at least one emperor from Constantinople's history. Other than that I've found at least two archbishops with that name, along with a saint. My name on the tsw forums is "ArcadiusTheReverant", and concerning faith, my character is Roman Catholic. So I guess it just sort of works out?
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Re: What does your character name/s mean to you?

Post by Katelin »

My reasoning is boring.

For Elizabeth - I honestly cannot tell you, it was on a whim during beta that I chose it.
For Kate - I am Kate. I like the name Katelin - so that was my choice.
For "Hunter" - I was looking for a 2 syllable word that described what I like doing best - hunting mobs.
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Re: What does your character name/s mean to you?

Post by Cephas Ironclad »

Cephas is my name in Aramaic and Ironclad is a movie about a Templar and a castle I live near.
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Re: What does your character name/s mean to you?

Post by Pride »

Ok, my turn! Where to start? :D

First off, I'm really REALLY bad at coming up with convincing "Fantasy and Sci-fi character names"... But I have no issue with "real" names. I suppose that's one more reason I love World of Darkness, since there's no need for making up names for elves and stuff. Don't get me wrong, I've always loved Fantasy, and I've been a Sci-fi geek even longer! However, World of Darkness, and specifically Vampire: the Masquerade, was the first real role playing game I got into. :)

I never played UO, EQ, AO, DAoC or any other old "classic" MMO, for variuos reasons (mostly the fact I didn't have a proper PC at the time). My first MMO was World of Warcraft (and I'm sure I'm not alone on that...). First character was a Shadow Priest I named Myralia, a name I made up with a play on syllables in my head. It's an old one though, I use that name in a novel I'm slowly working on...

Anyway, my first WoW character I really got beyond lvl 12 or so, (and eventually to lvl 60 and full t2 gear), was my hunter. She's named Isola, after my Vt:M character, who is a City Gangrel, (the ultimate hunter). ;) It would be a lie to say I didn't get inspired by an album by the Swedish rock band Kent for that name... But it is in fact a Swedish/Finnish girls name. It may not be common now, but it aparently was in the 1920's, and I kinda like it.

Later on, during the latter half of the Burning Crusade expansion, I was in a rather dark time of my life. I had swapped server to avoid certain people that shall not be mentioned... Also, I was home from work for 2 months or so, suffering from a heavy depression, and partly as therapy I decided to roll a Paladin, (for those of you that remember the old style prot Pala.. AWESOME fun!) After contemplating many names, I finally stuck with Pride - the mother of all sin. And to my surprise, it wasn't "taken" :P And well, my lil Pala was my main ever since, (apart from a brief period in Wrath when I played a Death Knight). However, when moving back to the old realm, (to play with old mates and make a new guild), Pride was taken on that one, so I had to come up with another name, and I chose Zephilia, another name from my slowly developing novel! :) And that's how I ended up with Pride...

As for TSW, well, Pride is my Illuminati character, the concept I thought up for that name simply doesn't fit with Templar at all. I'm basing my TSW characters on similar concepts as my Vampire characters. My Gangrel goes Dragon, my Ventrue goes Illuminati... Truth be told, my Templar girl is actually a mixture of both my Vampires, tailored to fit TSW and Templar and me. Name was a no-brainer... But the nick... I was thinking of a kind of callsign, or codename for a spy. Got to thinking of a cold, ranged, attack style. And thus, Hailstorm it was. Now, it doesnt really mean anything to me, except the quite litteral name... And that's about it I think :)

*wall of text crits you for 24288666 damage.*
Pride -> Envy -> Wrath -> Greed -> Gluttony -> Sloth -> Lust -> Pride -> Envy -> Wrath -> Greed -> Gluttony -> Sloth -> Lust -> Pride -> Envy -> Wrath -> Greed -> Gluttony -> Sloth ->
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Re: What does your character name/s mean to you?

Post by Naem »

Naem : comes from naemka a slang for 'now I got you' - also Kemma was used sometimes, it was used in my very first online game I played, during modem times 14.7K, think around 1987, I was in a group Phoenix, who flied TIE fighters and did a lot of 1v1 with them, X-Wing was the game. Lateron we used Lightsabers in Star Wars and became moderators on a free server from university of Maastricht. After some years the name became shortened to Naem. At that time I wasn't even aware that it was an amalgam of 'Amen' and so after that insight it became Nema, also because MMO started and I played almost always a woman character.

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