Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Uragon »

Hey Truhart,

that sure sounds like you'd be an interesting addition to the cabal! We also slightly feel the lure of GW2 on the general population, but still usually manage over ten people online in an evening, peaking into the 20 on good nights. And there definitely are Nightmare runs and similar going on every day. Looking forward to your official application, should you decide that's enough for you.

Take care!
Ignis Oculus
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Ignis Oculus »

Hello good people of the Nine Swords,

My name is Xander (Ignis Oculus) White, in the world of secrets.
My real name is Billie from the Netherlands, I'm 36y and I'm playing TSW for a couple of weeks now.
I did see this mmo on the rising, but I was still in my other mmo and try to make something of it.
Swtor is the name, I had high hopes and I did really try, but it was grinding and lots of kiddies like WoW, the content was easy, but I am a big fan of Star Wars and did not wanted to drop so soon, alas it happened and I did not want to go back to the elves in WoW, or my Golem in Eve Online.
I wanted something new and I do like horror and thought of this game again.
Looked on the forums and I was warming up to this new genre.
I made a Templar, because I like the order, it is more a military organization, and that is what I like best. (and yes I was in the military for 10 years so that’s why ;)

I looked for some time for a Cabal and kept on clicking the Nine Swords for some reason.
I'm a player that tries to play everyday (some call me addicted...) and have fun with the Cabal doing it, like questing, dungeons, RP. Although I'm new to that but willing to learn and watch.
I always help a fellow member, when in need or in fun to do whatever in-game.

Well enough of my blabbering and hunt some vampires in-game

Hope to see u all soon if u can find a place for me.
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Illandir »

Hello, Nine Swords! My name is Illandir and I have stumbled upon this cabal and am interested in joining.

Where to start...

In game, my character Illandir is my main, I have been doing NMs for awhile now and have a fairly developed healing set, with a mild tanking set following. I have a DPS set too, of course, but I prefer healing or tanking! I'm an oddball.
I got the game when it first came out, but have had to come and go with some real life events going on (starting college, and recently starting finals), but I got a much better schedule for this next semester, and am eager to participate in the NY raid that has been released. :)
Again currently geared out in mostly healing gear, 3.7 HR and lots of crit and crit rating for my fist spec. Currently designing a AR leech spec as well, which seems to finally be working. I have been told I have been able to tank very well, I use a chaos/swords build for that, and rarely have issues with hate or mitigation.

As for what I enjoy in the game (and MMOs), I am a big dungeon crawler at heart. Dungeons, raids, progression, I breathe all of that to live! I enjoy the gamestyle of TSW because of the different game engine as well as movement while casting, which allows for many more different and entertaining fights than most MMOs. I am eager to fine tune my character to see all the content this game has. I PvP on the side, but that really isn't my priority, mostly to goof off!

Game History:
I've played World of Warcraft for 5 years in the past, since 1.6 till 4.1 (I think that's the last one? Early cata is when I resigned that game). I had plenty of max level characters, and I went through most all the raids by the time cata came around. I miss the variety of dungeons and raids that that game provided, nostalgia is quite fickle.
I got into Rift for about a year, and I loved that game quite a bit for its setting and theme... sadly RL conflicts kept me from the content they released so quickly, one after another.
I played Star Wars: The Old Republic for a short while. Sadly it was a dissappointment for a game, and I couldn't find a class I enjoyed play, even the Jedi Consular.
I have (as I said earlier) played TSW from release day, off and on, and I really do like this game. I'd like to see more of what they have in the future as they release it. Mostly raids! I need raids!!!

My name is David Jacobs, and I didn't fill out facebook name on the profile builder because I don't use facebook anymore! I left that for personal reasons, mostly to avoid the drama of my old friends before college.
I am 21 years old, about to be 22 in January on the 22nd (so many 2's...). I have been a part time college student since high school, and just recently this semester got into a full time student position.
I am looking to major in computer animation, and work on video games some day. I have been playing games since I could hold a controller at 3... The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. My first game ever, and I still remember it.
I tend to be on the computer or game a lot... with how college classes are, I'll be sparsely on some days, namely thursday evening which is a social night for me.
I live in Texas, United States, and have most of my life. It isn't as southern as we make it out to be! We're pretty normal people, we don't ride our horses to school in our cowboy hats and boots with spurs. :P

Other than that, if you have anything you all want to ask me, please feel free! And I hope that my interest in being a member is taken into consideration. :)

You all have a good day!

David "Illandir" Jacobs
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Firearc »

Hello Illandir

It’s great to meet you. I am Firearc one of the leaders of 9swords Hook Division "recruitment". We are always looking for new people to join our cabal and you should like you would be a great fit. If you are interested in join 9S please submit an application at

At that point either myself or one of our other recruiters will contact you to have a quick interview just to answer any questions you may have about the cabal and make sure we are the type of cabal you are looking for. Please feel free to send me a tell in game if you have any questions about the application or the cabal :)

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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Illandir »

Ah, thank you. I got a bit confused at the whole application process, I got directed to the forum after making my profile. Forgive me. :)

I submitted my application formally, but I made a typo at the top, LOL. Tried to fill out the full name of my character as "David 'Illandir' Jacobs", cause that is technically the name haha. I'm a dork.
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Isarii »

Hi guys,

I just looked through what feels like every cabal in the game, and this is the first one that really seemed right for me - in that you seem like a friendly group of people who do everything, lol. So I submitted my app a few minutes ago.

I have a long history with MMOs - at least 40% of which involves playing WoW and quitting it soon after (my MMO history on the application should be fairly amusing since I put it in order with repeats). While I've been through many games - ultimately what makes the biggest difference for me is whether or not I find a good group of friends to play with, and I'm hoping I can find that here. So far the game is incredibly immersive because it's set in the real world, so I could really see myself sticking with it if I find the right community. I do play almost every day, so it shouldn't take me too long to get to know you guys if I'm accepted.

Generally I focus on PvP, though that may not be the case in this game. I'm not a committed raider, but I am good at it (at least in the sense that I can quickly follow whatever directions I'm being told over vent) and am usually willing to fill in if the cabal needs me.

I enjoy RP, but I'm only mildly experienced with it and terrible at initiating it. If someone wouldn't mind almost-literally dragging me to an RP session I'd be happy to do that with you guys. Well, eventually I'd be happy about it. Also - I couldn't really find anything other than vague platitudes regarding 9S's RP. It looks like the page is under construction, so I'm interested to find out what you guys do since it'll start the character-background wheels turning in my mind.

I've gotten my girlfriend into playing MMOs recently as well - so if I joined she'd likely be soon to follow. She's still learning the ropes, but she's not too terrible and likes to have fun being super casual/social.

- Isaac "Isarii" Sourne
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Kobu »

Salutations Nine Swords,

I am Kobu, a realm leader for Guild Medieval. I currently lead our Diablo 3 Americas realm, but was formerly the leader for DDO. You can check out our page at and that should tell you whether our goals will align. We are fairly large and well-known in the Diablo and DDO worlds, but do not maintain a large presence elsewhere. I know how much work it takes to build and maintain a guild/clan/cabal/etc., and I am looking to join a stable guild with members of like mind to my own rather than claw out a new guild here. If things work out, this would be where I would direct our other interested members.

I am part of the new wave of free to play players and am just getting started. I am impressed with the professionalism of your site, and your cabal looks to be well-organized so that's why I'm putting out my first feelers to you. I have only one friend actively playing at this moment (on another server and society) and hope to meet mature Templar/Arcadia players.

I am honestly not much into RP and mostly joined Arcadia because RP servers tend to have better behaved than others in other MMOs. That said, I am happy to act in-character when appropriate--discussing the current mission and such. I rarely discuss out of game things anyway, and can probably abide with OOC/IC rules, although as mentioned above, you don't currently have your rules posted. Though I play tabletop RPGs and roleplay there, I don't find walking everywhere and getting into 10 minute long discussions about our motivations before even beginning quests in MMOs much fun. If that's a culture clash here, please let me know. Also, I am male but play a female character (my other character I haven't touched is male and Dragon).

As for me, I'm married with two school age kids. A primary rule for my guild is "real life comes first". I do take breaks to deal with things as they come up, but that doesn't really happen all that often. I tend to solo when I know I'll be interrupted by family or work. I play a plethora of games, so I tend to be casual and take breaks from online games here and there. I plan to be on at least once a week and am interested in PvP and raiding, just know that I do those as I can and when the mood strikes me. In other words, I'm not hardcore and tend toward joining/support rather than leading those endeavors.

If you want to discuss anything in-game, I'm "Black-Briar". Thanks!
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Firearc »

Hello Black-Briar

I am Firearc a leader of the Hook division (recruitment)

We are a casual cabal that does a little bit of everything PVE/PVP/RP, we have members of all level ranges from just starting out to people that have been playing since early beta. We are a friendly community that enjoys progressing through the game, helping out our members, and just overal having fun while doing it. With the change to the game going to B2P we are seeing an increase of new to the game which is very exciting :) Most of our members have lives/jobs/families and also beleive that Real life comes first. We have a very active RP division, but our cabal chat is out of character for the most part :)

If this sounds like the type of cabal you are looking for I hope you will submit an application If you have any other questions regardig the cabal please feel free to send me an ingame tell or pm on the forums.

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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Kobu »

Thanks for the quick response, Firearc. Application is submitted. :D
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Sio »


Let me introduce myself, my name is Sio, I am a member of the Templars, though have not exercised my duties within it for some time.

In the past I flirted with the secret world on numerous occasions, it is a wonderful thing, but the unknown terrifies me and I never truly felt that I could face it.

Now however, after some time away to reflect and draw courage, I feel that I have the strength of mind and fortitude of body to embrace it completely. To face it head on and hopefully, alongside companions, friends, with whom I can share this secret world and all of its mysteries, both terrifying and wonderful.

To this end I have decided to seek you out, members of the Nine Swords, so that if you will accept me, I would like to join your ranks and together, hold fast against the end of days which is almost upon us.

I leave this at your discretion and hope to hear from you soon, for the Mayan gods will soon be here.

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