Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Firearc »

Hello Sio

The unknown can always be hard to face alone but with friends by your side that fightt becomes easier.

I hope you might consider submitting an application to join 9 Swords at

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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Sio »

Thank you for your response, my application has been submitted.

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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Ravrohan »

Howdy all I'm just introducing myself. I'm the shy, somewhat awkward guy over here walking away from the corner. I'm just finishing up my second week of TSW and have been looking for a fun guild to rp and kill things with. At the same time if possible. I think I've read everything I could on your very lovely looking site a few times while I pondered an app. I put a lot of my gaming history in said app but I've done a lot of mmo'ing (first is Asheron's Call, favorite and longest running was my NWN server Exaria) so it might be a bore to put it here again.

A little about me, well I won't post my real name. I don't mind pming or telling someone that in private, but not on an open public forum. I'm 32 (33 in a couple weeks) and was happy to read that I'm neither the oldest nor youngest here. I teach public school and usually enjoy it very much (but never hate it), I get to talk geeky stuff to kids in our scant free time, unintended job perk. I love movies, anime, rock music. I can also babble in text form.

My character Ravrohan has lots of room to develop, as I haven't gone to deep into who he is yet. He's still getting used to being a "Bee people" and having more freedom and purpose under the Templars than he's used to. If you see him (am I allowed to post a screenshot?) he's a dork who likes to dress like a bad ass, because his hazard pay (mission rewards) lets him afford it. His long term personal goal is to figure out how to fly. I'm half serious about that.

If you see Spiros "Ravrohan" Nuahel around, say hi, ic or out. I'm a bit shy when I'm new, but I can always get in character. Ic whispers are something to get used to though...
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Maelwro »

Greetings folks, would just like to introduce myself after getting pointed to the website from Katelin (thank you for your prompt responses and information!).
My in-game name is Damien Maelwro Trask, and while I didn't initially plan to try Secret World when it first came out, I happened by a store and decided to try it. It's a good thing I did, because I absolutely fell in love with the game and the atmosphere -- so much so that I ended up getting a lifetime membership. Unfortunately due to real life I had to take a break from the game shortly after release, but I am back and hunting zombies and vampires at leisure again.

As far as a little bit about myself, my name is Patrick, 28 years old and happily married in the tropics of Hawaii with two little dogs who seem to think they should be spoiled rotten like kids. I've been playing MMOs off and on throughout the years (I won't go into a list -- quite a few of them). I'm a casual player, as due to work and my time zone, i'm really only on in late evenings (or early morning for those of you in Europe); however, I'm on quite a bit during the weekend.

I'll be honest, in that I don't really RP; however, that won't stop me from participating with those who prefer to play in that regard. As far as playstyle, give me crazy intense combat and I'll be happy =). I'm also a bit of a researcher, as my wife likes to poke fun at me for spending more time researching a game and its builds than actually playing the game. That's about it in a nutshell, feel free to give me a yell =)

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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Redmayne »

Hello Everyone,

Redmayne here, just finished my application. Katelin was kind enough to respond to my looking for cabal post. My first impression is that Nine Swords looks very professional and well thought out. Nicely done!

I look forward to the opportunity to get to know everyone in the Cabal. I think you will find that I am old and boring, but I like to have fun (was that a contradiction?) :D

As for me, I am married and have a 10 year old daughter. These beautiful ladies are my life and if I am being dragged away from my video game obsession it is to spend time with them. IRL i am a casino executive, which at times can also take quite a bit of my time.

My first goal is to make friends. My second goal is to do my part in making Nine Swords one of the most respected Cabals in the game. Finally, I would like to see some end game content. My commitment to the Cabal is to learn, teach, and make myself available should I ever be needed.

I look forward to having the opportunity to meet the team more formally and answer any questions you may have!

Warmest Regards
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Nissemann »

Hello. I just got the game and are trying it out. Thinking about joining since I think I know a few people here from AO. I am known as Gimpeline there. See you around ingame!
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Katelin »

*pounce huggles* We thought it might be you.. especially as you went MA :p We would be really really happy if you decide to join us, Nissemann! Would be great to team with you again!
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Nissemann »

Application sent. Look forward to see you again
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Blacklace »

Hello everyone, my name is Blacklace, or Lacey to my friends...

I have heard many great things about this cabal, and would love to be considered an applicant and someday member. My greatest love here is healing, just placing that out here first.

I enjoy nightmares, questing, and would love to try my hand at raiding, I like walks in the moonlight and...oh wait....sorry.....

A bit about myself, I have been playing since May, have 10.0 to 10.4 gear, and tons of wonderful outfits....I'm currently in a Secret World Podcast called "Beyond the Veil: The Secret World" I am a lifetime member and fully in love with the game.

In the past I have played many table-top roleplay games from D&D to Changeling, Deadlands, Vampire, and Werewolf. My MMO history dates back to UI, WoW, Everquest, SToR, Rift, Tera, and of course....TSW

I like running around and questing, but I also enjoy bashing into raid bosses over and over until it is downed and the whole crew screams with glee.

So if I sound like a match, or someone you'd be willing to chat with, please look me up. I'd love to interview!
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Re: Are you thinking of a future with 9S?

Post by Tysken »

Hey Blacklace,

I'm pretty sure I have you on my friends list. Not because we know eachother, but I think I added you once to meet up and come dance with you and a bunch of people in the crusades. I also believe there was a live stream with chatting and questions going on about TSW. Does that sound about right?
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