Hello All,
I am one of the new members, and last night I discovered how much more fun it is to run dungeons with a Cabal. Sadly, night time will not always be the right time for me. Most of my play time is between 8am-2pm EST. I would like to put together a group of others who want to regularly run 18/18 during these times Mon-Fri.
If you need to run the elites to unlock NM, then I can help with that too. I am a tank, and will gladly stand in as a tank for any guild member.
Day Time Dungeons (EST)
Re: Day Time Dungeons (EST)
This time probably suits me and other people on the other side of the world...
What's 8am -2pm EST in GMT
(I'm GMT +9) btw
What's 8am -2pm EST in GMT
(I'm GMT +9) btw
Re: Day Time Dungeons (EST)
EST is -5, so you're looking at 22:00-2:00 in +9. DST differences between the top and bottom side of the earth might vary this over the months though, that's just given your offset calculated.
Re: Day Time Dungeons (EST)
I'm usually on around this time, and always more than happy to help with Elites as well.
Re: Day Time Dungeons (EST)
doobah ran with us yesterday and did great in NM 

Re: Day Time Dungeons (EST)
Bumping this.
I do my NM runs between 7am and 9:30 am pst because RL demands a lot of me. After those are done I can help any who need it with elites.
If you are on when I start my NM runs I will take you with me if you like.
I do my NM runs between 7am and 9:30 am pst because RL demands a lot of me. After those are done I can help any who need it with elites.
If you are on when I start my NM runs I will take you with me if you like.
Re: Day Time Dungeons (EST)
Hi Zyph,
This pretty much matches my schedule perfectly so please try and wait for me Monday morning and you will get a semi competent Damage dealer or below average healer!
This pretty much matches my schedule perfectly so please try and wait for me Monday morning and you will get a semi competent Damage dealer or below average healer!