NY Raid 03/01/2013

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NY Raid 03/01/2013

Post by Firearc »

NEW YORK RAID - Friday 02/22/2013

9:00 PM EST... check calendar (hopefully) for your local time

Please be ready to go 15 minutes before raid time, with potions ready.

We will be pulling alts in AT RAID TIME. This group seems to be good at getting there on time, so I'd rather not make them wait. If you're going to be late, please try to let Jennet or Fire know during the day on Friday. PM Jennet on the forums if you can!

Tank 1: Esthyr
Tank 2: Sam
Healtank: Illandir
Main Heals: Blapoo
DPS/Tentacles: Jennet*

DPS1: Firearc
DPS2: Mooncide
DPS3: Torvus
DPS4: Volen
DPS5: Wahoozerman

DPS Alt 1: Geth
DPS Alt 2: Rav
Dps Alt 3:

The small print:

Please remember if you are unable to come, to let Firearc or Jennet know as soon as possible.

If possible we would like to start forming our teams up about 15 to 20 mins early to get an idea of who is going to be there and make last minute adjustments to the teams if need be. Alts will be selected at 9:05 pm EST if we are missing people.

Happy Raiding and down with all Tentacles


This is our team raid roster for one team that has been working on the raid. We've beaten it once and by no means have it on farm. We know other cabal-mates want to experience the raid, but it's also not fair to have a team work on it so hard and then start forcing people out immediately after we beat it once and get two usable drops.

This team was put together to run on Fridays based on availability for that time, gear/experience level to get through it, and a desire to get a core team up and running with raid experience and raid-level gear to help others get through it. We've had one win. We are not 'ringers' yet. Give us a few weeks, and we will probably start cycling people in more regularly.

We're a big cabal, and there should probably be more than one team trying this. I especially suggest a team try to get together for the European time zones. Believe me, I'm sensitive to cabal population and time zone issues. I just ask that those who are not part of this team regularly understand that at the gear/experience level we have currently, success in this raid is very much a matter of precision teamwork. If we are short a single dps by the last phase of the raid, we cannot make the dps check. Once we have more experience and are better geared, I know we will all be more available to let new people alternate into the team, because we will be able to better compensate for the time it takes to get used to our routine.


Please, -please-, if you want to be an alternate, look for our raid rosters and reply to them with your desire to be an alternate and the slot(s) you could fill. (Success currently suggests a team with at least an average of 10.2 gear.) Telling Firearc or Jennet or someone else in the raid that you really want to go is great, but our minds are filled with many things and leak like sieves =) If you reply on the forum, we can get you on the alternate list, and we can prioritize that list based on when people ask and what their gear/preparedness level is.

If you are on the roster as an alternate, please be in game at raid start time. We will let you know as soon as possible if we have a slot for you or not, so you don't have to sit around and wonder. It may take as long as 15 minutes past start time for us to decide someone's not going to make it (though be aware if you're not there by then, regulars, you may get replaced!). If you're on the alternate list and get a lockout timer, please let Firearc or Jennet know so we can pull you from the alternate roster and adjust before raid time. Thanks!


This team will be using the standard 9 Swords loot policy. Everyone who has not gotten an upgrade drop yet from raiding may roll need on the upgrades. If you have gotten one, you are asked to pass until the entire group has gotten one drop. At that point, we will begin again with everyone needing. (This is another reason alternates on the team at this stage, before everyone has gotten a loot drop, become difficult to manage. I would really like to see everyone have a chance at loot, and if we bring a new person or two every week and they get the drops, then drop off the roster, we may end up with regulars who never get a drop.) (Since there is no /roll in game, research is now underway to figure out whether we need to use Ajax for rolls on Master Looting or other ways to make sure the drops get evenly distributed.)

While the suggestion that we need dps geared better, so only dps should roll on drops, was put forward at the first win, we've decided it's not really fair... especially considering that we all can and probably will play different roles during the course of raiding. It's not fair to ask someone to put in two hours or more every Friday and not roll on the upgrades.

If you've gotten drops from pug raiding as well, passing is up to your personal discretion. With most peoples' time constraints, I don't expect this to be a huge issue.

We will be tracking who has gotten loot drops, so we can let everyone know when it's okay to roll again. The current list is:

Esthyr (xxxx)
Mooncide (xxxx)
Volen (xxx)
Blapoo (xx)
Firearc (x)

(and two other people...Blapoo got one, but that was for his last cycle...there should be one more from this week and one more from the week before who need x's...halp me!)

(x's are for the week you got a drop, and every week after...after 5 x's, you re-set and can roll again)


Thanks, guys! And thanks to this great team who have put in so much time and effort and patience!
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Re: NY Raid 03/01/2013

Post by Darquegryn »

Hello, this is Geth...your friendly neighborhood Alt... Sign me up please :)
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Re: NY Raid 03/01/2013

Post by Firearc »

Bump really no one wants to be an alt this week? I promise there will be no shooting of cabal members. *looks at Jen*
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Re: NY Raid 03/01/2013

Post by Jennet »

She takes all my fu.... I mean, yes. Of course. No shooting cabal members!
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Re: NY Raid 03/01/2013

Post by Ravrohan »

I'd like to dps alt! I can haz sword? :P

No really, I'd use whatever I was told.
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Re: NY Raid 03/01/2013

Post by Firearc »

Rav you are killin me lol added as dps alt :P
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Re: NY Raid 03/01/2013

Post by wahoozerman »

Actually, melee DPS might be okay for this one. You'd just have to avoid fists and stay out of the Tanks' way.

I would still suggest ranged though. For birds, and zombies.

Disclaimer: My ramblings are not to be seen as endorsement of any sort of crazy actions.
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Re: NY Raid 03/01/2013

Post by Firearc »

Fire does not approve hoozers craziness lol kidding,

yeah melee woudl prolly be okay if not for the birdies and getting out of the stuff fast enough
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