[PvE] Elite Thursday 2000 EST

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[PvE] Elite Thursday 2000 EST

Post by kadyn »

9S PvE Event: Elite Dungeon
Date: Every Thursday
Time: 2000 - 2200 EST
Requirement: None
Cabals: 9s only
Event Hosts: Kadyn (9S)

Any memeber that still need any elite dungeons can sign up, please post your role, and the dungeon needed.

For members that will be helping, you just need to sign up. And your assistance is much appreciated.

Please see the second post for more details
Posts: 239
Joined: Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:04 pm
Location: Georgia US

Re: [PvE] Elite Thursday 2000 EST

Post by kadyn »

Reserved for run detail and date editing.

Changed event to 08/01

Tank: Kadyn
DPS 1:
DPS 2:
DPS 3:
Oimarak Soul
Posts: 67
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Location: Wisconsin, USA

Re: [PvE] Elite Thursday 2000 EST

Post by Oimarak Soul »

I would like to learn to be a tank, but I am in no rush. It would probably be easier to have me fill a DPS spot to get me learning the dungeons and the group techniques used against different areas and bosses. I have done elite Polaris and DW (Kingsmouth and Blue Ridge Mts, right?) once each. I have done normal through the content I have completed, which is CoSG, but only one run through each in Egypt. I am geared to run elites, but obviously I have very little experience in the dungeons so will need a good leader.

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