Claretta wrote:Raid starts in 2 hours 39 minutes. Servers come down in 39 minutes and last for 2 hours.
hmm my math clearly does not add up then lol. I am in GMT+1 (sweden) and topic says starts 19:00GMT, and 19:00GMT+1 should be 20:00 in sweden, and its 18:23 now...Im confused
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
Cleia wrote:You are normally at GMT+0100, with Daylight Saving at GMT+0200, so 19:00 GMT translates to 21:00 local time for you.
Makes sense, but if the rest of the world is also in daylight saving time, it would only be +1 lol... a bit off topic and I wont fully grasp it anyways probably lol...
Google knows, London is not on GMT during summer. I had no idea, boy do I feel stupid lol :p
Unfortunately you'll have to change it together with all your existing clocks, as phpBB is still lacking proper locale support.
For Funcom times, they usually support a link towards a time zone converter web site. They have been known to mess up quite a bit in the past too though.
For this raid, I'd especially like people to focus on phase 2. We've got phase 1 and 3 down. Unlike many other raid groups, we don't have problems with phase 3... as long as we can get to it.
So that means:
* Tanks being aware of being in the right spots to pick up drakes
* Healers helping with tank aggro
* DPS standing out of the way if it helps (I usually stand way back at max range, as I don't need to be closer than 16 meters, and it puts me out of downfall range)
* Stop DPS on the last drake at 50K and any drake still alive when the screen is turning grey for shadow. Grey screen means don't shoot.
* One tank being ready to pick up the lurker again after phase 2.